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Eleven - Falling

"Wh-what..?" I asked confused.

"I think I love you Taeyong," she repeated herself. I stumbled back a bit, trying to process what was going on. She let go of me and stood back, she just glared at me. I finally processed on what she said, I can't believe it.

"I don't feel the same" I panicked on the inside, I knew I said the wrong words. Her eyes stared in disappointment, she looked down at her feet.

One side of me said:
Taeyong you like her. You're falling for her too.

But the other side thought differently:
You don't like her. Remember she is nothing to you. She is NOTHING!

The quiet yet loud thoughts ran through my head. I knew I was falling for her too but my head and heart weren't on the same page.

She looked up after processing everything through her head, "It wouldn't have worked out anyway. Thanks for telling me how you felt" she forced a smiled and walked to the driver seat and got in.

I was about to get in but before I could she backed up her car and drove off. I'm sorry Jasmine.

Jasmine's POV
"I don't feel the same" were the words that crushed my heart. What was I expecting, why was I expecting so much from him?

But what was that paper? Saying that he doesn't like me? That I'm nothing to him? I guess all those words he wrote about me were, true. I didn't know he would hurt me as much as Donghyuck did, but what was I expecting.

I flashed back to reality as his eyes stared at me like shards going through my chest.

"It wouldn't have worked out anyway. Thanks for telling me how you felt," I smiled forcefully and got into my car. I turned on the engine then saw him in the corner of my eye reach for the door so I backed up before he could even touch the car door. 

My heart, why doesn't it hurt? Oh yeah, my heart has been broken so many times, it broke to the point I stopped feeling pain in my chest. As I was driving home tears filled my eyes, making my eyesight blurry. Next thing I know I saw a car coming towards me. Crashing our cars together, as if this was faiths answer. I won't get hurt if I'm up there. I didn't feel my legs, my arm was aching in pain, why can't I stop feeling pain? My eyes soon shut. The only thing I saw was darkness.

"I got you, don't worry Jasmine! You'll be okay!" their voice was deep, kind of like Taehyung's.

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