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Three - Jerk

Jasmine's POV
He left me here on the rooftop. He just ran away. When I looked in the crack through the entrance it looked like he was crying.

If he's crying, why is he crying?

But I just left my thoughts about him there, I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like my company.

I walked to my locker and grabbed all my stuff, I don't really need my last classes even though it's my first day. I grabbed all my stuff then headed out. As I was heading out I saw Taeyong.

He saw me and instantly walked away with an annoyed looked. I caught up with him since my car is in the same direction.

He turned around and looked at me, "Can you stop fucking following me!" he yelled.

"I wasn't following you, you jerk!" I said, I felt my bravery-ness slowly going away as I was trying to stay calm and confident.

"Then what are you doing right now huh?" he said, trying to make a point.

"I'm walking to my damn car! Why do you think I would give any shits to follow you!" I said and walked away to my car.

He was speechless, I felt his eyes locked on me.

I sat down in my car and banged my hand against the wheel out of anger.

What the hell is his problem?

Taeyong's POV
That girl, she's following me. What a creep. A grin appeared on my face while walking in the halls. I walked outside of the school, everyone was in their classes and there were no teachers around; might as well just skip ya know?

"Ha" I laughed hardly giving any fucks that girl got hurt cause of me.

I stopped for a brief moment and took out my phone to listen to some music. I saw something in the corner of my eye, so I turned to look to see what it was. It was the same damn girl!

Why does she keep fucking following me!?

I rolled my eyes and continued walking. I heard footsteps coming closer, I turned and saw her coming closer. I am so fucking annoyed right now.

We spoke, I yelled at her and she yelled back. She was so pissed, I could see it in her eyes. She walked away and headed towards her car. I was speechless.

Her words were strong to the point to make me speechless, how?

I continued walking, trying to forget what just happened. I walked home, well my apartment; I lost the house years ago, all I can afford now is an apartment.

I was jamming, walking coldly giving everyone around a death stare. I finally arrived home. I went in the elevator and pressed my floor number - 4.

"What a shitty day." I say to myself, waiting for the doors to slide open.

I got out once I reached my floor and headed towards my room. I saw my room but there was something lying there, sleeping.

"What the-" I walked up closer to get a better look.

A fist was formed, I wanted to punch him.

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