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Twenty-Six - I Love You

Three weeks later

Jasmine's POV
I haven't seen him in weeks; Taeyong. I've called but all it lead me to was his voicemail. I called him again and hoped I would get a callback, but again, it led me back to his voice mail.

I sighed loudly as I heard soft knocks at the door.

"Come in," I said still looking down at my phone. Jin walked in with a sad yet unsettling expression. "What's wrong? Is this bad news?" I asked he walked close to my bed holding his clipboard; like always.

"Bad news, but it's not about you, it's about your friend," he said which made me confused. I started thinking hard, I tried figuring out who he was talking about but I soon gave up.

"Which friend?" I tilted my head, I didn't have that many friends but I still couldn't figure it out.

"I think his name was Taeyong?" My eyes widened, I looked down at Taeyong's contact on my phone, I looked back up with anger.

"Why? Why is he here?" I said as my voice became deep.

"Self-harm, he slit his wrist 20 times on each arm," my heart pounded rapidly in my chest, how could he do this? Does he know that if he does this it would hurt me?

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"He doesn't want to see anyone," he looked at me with an upsetting expression.

"How long has he been here?" I asked as he looked down at the clipboard then me.

"For 3 weeks now, it's been awhile"

"How could he.. why didn't you fucking tell me any sooner!?" I yelled since I was upset but at the same time furious.

"He didn't want you to know that he was here," he finished. He walked away and stopped at the door. "Don't worry about him, alright?" I just ignored him and texted him.

I know he's reading this on his phone, he knows the pain I'm going through when I'm not with him. It hurts when he's not by my side.

I know you're reading this
Why didn't you tell me any fucking sooner!?
I hate you for doing this to me
But I love you just as much
Please talk to me
I miss you
I really miss you by my side
Talk to me again
Without you it's like an endless life of misery
You know I love you right?

I placed down my phone and laid down. I tried calming myself down, but the harder I tried the more I felt uneasy.

Why do I love him so damn much?

My phone vibrated, I grabbed it immediately as my heart was now pounding.

You know
I hate you
I fucking hate you

My heart twist and turn, it felt so painful. This feeling was so painful. Why would he say that? This must be a prank, he's just kidding, joking around.

You're joking right..?

I wouldn't want to talk to such people
Just leave me like everyone else!
I'm a screwup
I don't want you hating me too
I'm hating you first

I was confused, why would he think that I would leave him? He knows I love him. He knows I would do anything for him because he knows that's how much I love him.

What the hell are you talking about?
Why would I leave you?
You know well that I love you an I wouldn't hurt you like them

How can I trust someone like you?
Because I can't trust someone who has a brother that's ready to kill

I know you love me too
Stop lying to yourself

Me? Love you?
I wouldn't love someone so disgusting
And the only person lying here is yourself
You think I love you
When really I hate you
Just like I said before
Now stop being bothersome and leave me alone.

I placed my phone down and started over thing all of this.

But soon enough all my thoughts told me I loved him, even if he shattered my heart by his words my love for him won't fade. I love him too much.

Why do I love this jerk so damn much?

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