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Twenty-Seven - Unexpected Business

I got out of bed and onto my wheelchair. I'm going to his room whether he likes it or not. I looked at the names on each door.

"No... no...." I mumbled since I didn't see his name. Now it came to the last door.

Lee Taeyong

I knocked on the door to hear no response. I didn't want to be rude and barge in but that's what I did. He woke up in shock and stared at me with a face that I've never seen before; a surprised yet scared expression.

"How the hell could you!?" I yelled as tears welled up in my eyes. I wanted a response, I don't want to be ignored anymore.

"I told you Jasmine, I-"

"No, you don't, no you don't... NO, YOU DONT!!" I yelled as my eyes closed and my hands over my ears.

"It's the honest truth Jasmine, why would I fall for some girl like you?" I opened my eyes as tears trembled down my cheek, I removed my hands from my ears as I just stare at the floor.

"Ok.. if you hate me now, consider this done. This whole friendship, just everything. Forget about it. Forget about me." I turned to the door and wiped my tears.

I slightly turned my head back to face him, "Delete my number too. I don't text people that I'm not friends with," those were my last words to him as I walked out and closed the door behind me.

I wiped my tears as the only thing I could see was a blur. When I reached my room, I couldn't bare to go in there; I cried in my hands.

How could I have loved him when he never loved me back.

Taeyong's POV
As she left the room she closed the door softly unlike everyone else. They all slammed the door but not her.

Her words trembled as I saw tears in her eyes. I can't trust anyone anymore, this world is hard to take in. I suffered so much and all I wanted to do was be gone. I want to live a happier, easier life up there, then here.

I loved her, I loved her so much, but this love for her is too much to handle. She doesn't deserve someone like me, she deserves someone so better. She deserves someone that would fight for her, that understands her when no one else can, protect her, and most of all just love her.

I can't fight for her, I don't understand her, I can't protect her, all I can do is love her and that's not enough.

As these thoughts ran through my head I hardly noticed the tears streaming down my face. It's hard for someone to love me even after my dumb mistakes. She's not going to love me anymore, it's my fault.

I make the dumbest mistakes pushing them away yet I need them the most.

Jaehyun left because I yelled at him for bringing a stranger over, but that's reasonable, right? Taehyung left because I told him that Donghyuck killed his father, I lied. Jasmine, she's the last person I had but I screwed it up, she's not going to love me anymore, she's not going to miss me anymore, she's going to hate me now.

I wiped my tears as I got up and grabbed my clothes. My arms were bandaged up, I overheard that I lost a lot of blood. I should've died there, I didn't want to be saved. I opened the door and headed out.

As I walked passed her door I looked inside to see her sleeping, she's better off without me anyway. The tears started developing again, I walked out and headed home.

On the way home, I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was everything to me and I told her a lie, I told her I hated her when really I loved her with all my heart.

I'm just good at pushing people away, that's what I'm mostly good at anyway.

As I reached my complex, my head started aching. It felt like it was rocking around on an endless hill. I felt dizzy as I hit the floor.

I tried getting up again but I couldn't. There was pressure against my body.

"What the hell..?" I mumbled under my breath as I tried to get up again, but no; gravity kept pulling me down. I soon gave up.

I suddenly heard light footsteps and got nervous; you're brave, don't be scared.

"Taeyong," As I looked up I saw him again, smirking. Why the hell is he even here.

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