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Eighteen - No More Pain

Jasmine's POV
As I was playing a game on my phone I got a message from Taeyong.

I'm coming to see you

I tapped on his messages and texted him back.

Why so late?
You should be at home sleeping

He's here again

Your bully?

I waited two minutes and no response. What happened!?

I called him, I need to know if he's okay. What did he mean by 'he's here again'?

Taehyung hasn't visited me in 2 days. Why hasn't he visited me?

As I was waiting for him to pick up I heard ruffles in the background.

Jasmine: Taeyong? Are you okay? Where are you?

I heard a sudden light gasp before the call ended. What the heck? I suddenly got another text, without thinking I thought it was Taeyong but it wasn't, it was Taehyung.

Big bro✌🏻
Have you gotten any calls?

Lil sis💞

Big bro✌🏻
Not even from mom?

Lil sis💞
She's on her business trip

Big bro✌🏻
Do you mind calling her?
I think she's worried about you

Lil sis💞
Why can't you tell her for me?

Big bro✌🏻

Lil sis💞

Why did he even ask? He asked right after that call with Taeyong. What the hell? What the hell is going on? I called Taehyung, I want answers. Now.

Taeyong's POV
He placed his phone down and walked over to me. His phone vibrated again but ignored it.

"Ugh if you didn't call her you wouldn't have to get this punch!" He yelled as he punched my jaw. I didn't feel it, as if my body was numbed.

"Why did even take me in the first place you jackass!" I yelled back, with cold, harsh eyes.

"You aren't scared?" He smirked mischievously.

"I don't feel fear." He walked closer and grabbed my chin.

"You will now," he stepped away and slowly shoved his hand into his pocket. As he took out his hand it revealed a gun. "You killed him, this is just a favor in return."

"It wasn't me Tae, I swear!" I yelled trying to convince him.

"How could I believe someone who betrayed me!?" He yelled as tears left his eyes; tears streamed down as if it was a neverending river.

"Who told you I did it! Because I know what I did and I didn't do that!" He wiped his tears, still streaming down his cheeks every two seconds. He pulled the trigger and aimed it at me.

"I know you did it. I saw you leave as I left. That's how I knew," His eyes were puffy and red. He thinks it's me, but I didn't do anything.

"I promised you that I would never hurt anyone from your family or you, you remember that? I promised you. We even did our handshake. Do you remember how close we were when I was only 12 while you were 15? You remember all of this right?" My voice cracked when I said my very last word. I could see him suffering, feeling betrayed. Does he not think about me? About how I feel about this, because clearly, he doesn't care what I go through.

He broke down in tears, dropping the gun, falling to his knees and burying his face in his hands.

"Do you know how I feel? I thought you would trust me as your friend. But you know what I learned? That friends don't care about each other. That friends betray one another, lie to each other, hate each other without knowing." His sobs fill the room after a sudden pause.

"You know how much you meant to me just because you were my friend? You meant a lot to me and I cherished that. But look now, you see all this? You're gonna kill me for something I didn't fucking do!" I yelled, he looked up at me as his face turned red and his puffy eyes filling my vision and sudden hatred.

"You don't even trust me. This is why I never wanted to be friends with anyone, you ruined it. But the only fucking person that actually cared was Jasmine, she was there when I thought I didn't need her, but I did. She made me believe in friendships again, she made me believe that friends are better than I actually think they are. But after I meet someone as amazing as her you decide to kill me off." I said coldly as he suddenly realized what he was doing.

"Do it Taehyung, do it. Pull the trigger to my head. at least I won't have to deal with the pain anymore."

He grabbed the gun and got up. He aimed the gun at me as I closed my eyes.

I don't have to live with pain anymore.


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