12 - The Long Awaited Meeting

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Chasing Pavements - Adele

12 - The Long Awaited Meeting

Word count: 1893

"Do one thing every day that scares you."

- Anonymous


When I was four years old, I did something dumb. I was playing outside with Martin and Brock, we were hunting for snails so that we could have a snail race. It was all planned out. We had made a track, we had costumes for the snails and we had invited Callum. I had finally found a snail, but it was on the road. So I stepped onto the road, without checking for any cars.

And then, all of a sudden, a car appeared. I hadn't noticed it because I was too entranced by the snail. Just before the car hit me, two things happened. One: my brothers both screamed, in complete fear.

Two: Callum, who was only four years old, saved my life. Callum had run onto the road and had grabbed me; pulled me off of the road. If he hadn't of done that, the car would have hit me. The driver was too busy looking at his phone to notice a little girl in the road.

When we were safely on the path, he hugged me. When we pulled away, I stared into his beautiful eyes, seeing the fear, anger, and sadness. Guilt knawed in my stomach at the fact that I made him feel so worried because I was stupid.

Today, when I left the drama hall, I saw raw sadness in Callum's eyes. And once again, I felt guilty. I made him feel sad - I could change everything but I didn't want to. Despite telling myself that I'm brave and strong, I'm also a coward. I should face them, I should finally stop running.

"Hey, Whitney? Do you mind if I just quickly nip to my locker?" Hannah asks me when we leave the hall. I had managed to avoid a confrontation with the rest of the group and I had managed to get Hannah to come with me.

"Yeah sure. Meet in the carpark in ten minutes?" I suggest and she nods her head excitedly. With that, Hannah spins on her heel in the opposite direction to her locker. We decided to go out to the local cafe here for a hot chocolate. I hope we will end up going to the one I used to go to when I was younger. They made the best drinks there.

If you're going to talk to them, it should be now. My subconscious says. It would make sense to talk to them now, whilst Hannah is gone.

I feel bad for lying to her about this but if she found out, I fear she would treat me differently. Or at least, she would view me differently. And I couldn't afford for that to happen.

You can talk to them. It will probably only take five minutes. I reason with myself. I mean, all I have to do is say hi and to basically tell them that I'm happy now. Simple.

With that thought in my head, I inhale and turn back around to the hall. Hopefully, they will still be in there.

I open the doors and peaked my head through there. I sighed in relief when I saw them sitting in their seats, arguing. Quietly, I made my way in.

"Why are you sneaking around?" A male's voice whispers into my ear from behind me. Startled, I yelped and swiveled around to see Alan.

"Alan!" I exclaim, placing a hand on my rushing heart. He's talking about me sneaking when I didn't even realize he was behind me. "You big bafoon, you scared me."

Alan throws his head back and laughs at my choice in words. "Big bafoon? Really Whitney?" He asks through his laughter. I scowl and smack his rock hard chest. Dammit, he probably didn't even feel that.

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