5 - Callum Jerald

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Malibu - Miley Cyrus

5 - Callum Jerald (are you surprised it's in his POV?)

Beautiful cover above made by Fretty_Gurl101! Thank you!!

Word count: 2333

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." 

- Winston Churchill 


"Callum," Lily whines in her high pitched voice. "You said you would meet up with me tonight."

I turn towards the girl who has the ability to irritate me at the very sight of her. She has her brown hair pinned into a high ponytail, neatly. Instantly, I know what she's trying to do. She's wearing her hair the same way Anastasia did.

My throat clogs up at the thought of my once best friend.

The golden girl of Hollywood now.

I hate standing near Lily. She is one of the main reasons Anastasia left. She drove her over the edge.

I can clearly remember the day I found out about Anastasia's disappearance. Brock, her older brother, had come into school with red eyes and puffy cheeks. At first, I thought nothing of it. He never had anything to do with his sister so he I didn't think it concerned her.

When Anastasia didn't come over to my locker, I still didn't think anything of it. She sometimes went to the bathrooms before the start of lessons. At lunch, Lily was with me. She was complaining about her nails or something.

I asked Athena where Anastasia was but she didn't know. She was just as curious as me. Anastasia never missed a day of school unless she was really ill. And then, Brock dropped his tray on the table and sat with us.

We all sat there shocked for a few seconds and stared. He had never sat at our table before. I knew he hated being associated with Anastasia, which infuriated me. All she wanted was her brothers back.

Athena was the first to question him.

"Why are you here Brock?" Athena hesitantly asked, flickering her eyes to Ares and me. Lily simply sat in her seat and rolled her eyes.

Brock stared at all of us for a few minutes. "I'm here because of Anastasia."

We all frowned. I even caught Lily leaning closer in interest. She knew all about the relationship between Anastasia and Brock and loved to taunt Anastasia with it. That's one of the things I hate about her.

"What? Do you know why she's not in school?" Athena quickly jumped in.

Brock nodded his head and ran a hand through his dark blonde hair. The same hair color as Anastasia's.

"Well?" Athena raises an eyebrow. "Where is she?"

Brock sighs. "She's...gone." He pauses for a second and glances at all of us. Its then that I notice his blue eyes are glistening—with tears. Immediately, I know its not good. Oh god, is Anastasia okay?

"What do you mean she's gone?" This time its Ares that asks, in a snappy voice. He sees Anastasia as his own sister, blood or not. Ares deserves the title of brother, not Brock.

"I mean, she ran away." Brock breaks down. He starts sobbing into his handshis shoulders violently shaking.

"W—what?" I stammer, my eyes remaining on Brock's small form.

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