9 - Hannah Banana

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Ashes - Celine Dion

9 - Hannah Banana

Word count: 2190

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."

Helen Keller


Whitney's POV

Once I got to history, the teacher made me go through the same process as earlier. This time though, none of my former friends were in this class. Instead, the short redhead who stared at me in awe earlier was here.

As soon as she saw me, she straightened up and gave me a genuine, giddy smile. At first, I frowned at her smile. Is she actually smiling at me nicely or is it some sort of plot to become my best friend to use me for my fame.

I hate the fact I have to be so cautious around new people in fear they are going to exploit me. I already have issues with trust—thanks to the people here—but having to be careful with people who are probably great people makes me feel so guilty.

Once I introduced myself, presenting myself as confident and fearless as possible, I was told to sit down. My eyes scanned the room, watching all of the pupil's eyes light up when I see them.

I spot two seats. One at the front, next to a girl who is wearing too much fake tan and another seat next to the redhead.

Perhaps I should give her a chance.

The teacher gestures for me to hurry up, trying to hide the annoyance on his face. So, before I manage to have a teacher hate me, I head over to the seat next to the redhead.

Not even a second after sitting down, she turns to me excitedly and bounces up and down in her seat. Some people around us give her distasteful looks because she has my attention and others roll their eyes at her behavior.

A hint of anger flows through my veins at the thought of them judging this girl who looks innocent. People can be so mean—the stronger prey on the weaker because they are either too scared or too nice to fight back.

They think they are the predator who can feed off their prey. I loathe it—its despicable.

I smile back at her which only makes her silently clap. I have to restrain myself at laughing at her adorable reaction. How she ended up with my former friends beats me. Maybe they really have changed?

Ten minutes into history and I've already been set a task to do. Honestly, the teacher—who is called Mr. Jameson—doesn't look likes he cares at all about this class. As soon as he set the task, he's on his phone. He isn't even trying to make it discreet that he's on it.

I have to bite my tongue from shouting at this incompetent teacher who ignores the whole class around him. A girl is trying to get his attention so she can ask a question about the task that he set but he blatantly ignores her. If he had explained the task more clearly and had asked if we all understood it, I would be more lenient but he didn't. Ugh, I need to cool down. I'm overreacting.

I think I'm stressed about being back here. I have to maintain my act; face the people I swore never to see again. Plus I have to worry about my studies.

Taking a deep breath, I shift on my seat to face the bubbly redhead. She instantly looks up from her desk, sensing my stare and widens her dark brown eyes. Her mouth starts opening and closing, making her resemble a fish.

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