Chapter 8

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Summer's POV

I was stood on a cloud that was what was happening, definitely. Doesn't that seem plausible? That I am stood on a cloud, Well I'm not, I kind of feel like I am, or wish that I actually was because how can you really know what standing on the ninth cloud really feels like? Oh well, I'll say it anyway, I the fly on the wall have been kissed, so I am on cloud 9. How amazing is that? 

"Holy cow," Now comes the moment that I should have been expecting, the doubt or regret that such a popular and well known guy had stolen my first kiss, "That was the best first kiss ever." He'll probably think of some weird reason as to why he shouldn't talk to me anymo- Hold it. What just came out of his mouth? Why aren't I talking? I am properly talking to myself right now, I'm going crazy. Yes. That is my conclusion. I am crazy, though not as crazy as Lauren who was currently screaming, crying and shrieking obscenities. It would have been funny if I wasn't stood here, not saying anything staring at the gorgeous guy that had taken my first kiss, will I ever get over this? Yes. Damn.

"Why? Did that just happen?" I frowned to myself, more talking to myself some more rather than him but he heard it and thought it was directed at him, a blush as red as a rose flourished on his cheeks; cute. 

"I-I'm sorry, so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Really I just thought that, god I'm-" I cut him off with a kiss, wow bold move Summer he was just telling you how he regretted it, wait now I remember him saying about his first kiss, I was his first kiss? He HAS got to be joking, he's had sex you know the whole shabam. How was I his first kiss? Why am I thinking about this, I'm still kissing him, I should be focusing on that. 

"I really like you Sum." I heard him, I heard him and I ran, I could hear Lauren's shrieks of laughter behind me though I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, I didn't hear any footsteps behind me. What if he was lying to me just to get into my pants? What if he wanted to make a laughing stock out of me and make me fall head over heels in love with me just to dump me? What am I even babbling about? I like him too.

I stopped only to end up falling to the floor, apparently he had been chasing after me, and he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to his chest. "There is not a chance that you will get away with not replying to my statement." How could I reply to that statement when I was wrapped up in his arms?

"I like you too but I don't want to get hurt, I really like you, more than I should for only knowing you two weeks." I blushed, something that was becoming a common occurrence when I was around him. 

"I will never hurt you." I wasn't too sure about that but I would let him have it, "Would you like to go out, seeing as we've already left the school grounds." I giggled slightly, bearing in mind I never giggle, nodding at him as he walked me to his car. I'll pick my car up later, the school wasn't exactly that far it was a ten minute walk; I was just too lazy to do it every day in the blazing heat.

We pulled up at a diner, I was glad that it wasn't somewhere fancy like where most guys from this estate would take you on a date, not that I didn't like going to places like that I just was not dressed for the occasion. "Ever the romantic," I winked at him to let him know that I was only kidding, he responded with a light chuckle as he opened the door for me. 

"I'll make up for it." He wasn't lying either, he sat us at the back so that we wouldn't get the jostle of the other people in the diner as much, either way I wouldn't have minded as I was still with him. 

"Can I guess what you'll eat?" I nodded as I wasn't extraordinarily fussy, I'd never been to this diner but most diners sold the same thing; hotdogs, burgers, fries, all the typical stuff and fast food was a definite yes for me. I saw him walk up to the counter and talk to the lady behind the desk, she was obviously flirting with him, it irked me but he wasn't doing anything back and I couldn't do anything about it, he only kissed me that was all. He came back with two burgers, cokes and some fries to share; I couldn't wait to dig in. Carlson sat down just as a waitress came over to us, she had a tray in her hands and set it in front of me, she was about thirty or forty with red hair and a small smile on her face I gave her a confused look but she just winked and looked at the tray before going back to her job. I looked down at the tray to see the words 'Be mine?' written out in straws on the tray.

"Yes." I glanced up at Carlson who was blushing, he looked incredibly nervous but when he realised what I had said a brilliant smile crossed his face, he reached over grabbing my hand planting a soft kiss on it. Wow. If I hadn't fallen already, I would soon. 

"I thought that you might actually eat unlike most girls." I laughed then we fell into an easy conversation, his hand never leaving mine the entire time, clearing annoying the women behind the counter but I couldn't care less I finally had someone to call mine.

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