I'm All Alone (part ten) | Peter Parker (TH)

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part ten... last part! hope you all liked it!


You were sitting on the ground. Thanos was long gone. Tony was sitting a few feet away, holding his stomach. Your dad had given away the Time Stone in exchange for his life. The air was still. You were growing numb. You were in the middle of it now. There was no stopping what was to come.

Peter sat down next to you. He was silent for a long moment before he turned his head your way and said, "This is what you saw, isn't it?"

"Yes," you breathed.

"But we win?" he asked you. "You said we won."

You didn't say anything. Your eyes filled with tears and you quickly got up, not wanting to waste anymore time. You had to say goodbye to your dad. Peter didn't say anything as you went over to your dad. You sat down next to him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.

"Dad," you whispered, "I don't want to say goodbye to you. I can't say goodbye to you."

He touched his lips to the top of your head. "I know I hurt you when you first came to live with me," he said to you. "I know you were alone for a long time after you mom passed. You wanted to be my daughter and I was too involved in my own life. For that, I am sorry.

"I never loved your mother the way I should have, and I regretted that more than you'll ever know. I regret it to this day. I knew she was pregnant with you before she left me and I didn't stop her from leaving because losing you wasn't a concern of mine. Thinking about the man I was then is..." He stopped and shook his head. "You are my life now, ___. I will never forgive myself for missing out on so many years of your life, but I can promise you that we still have a future. Saying goodbye will hurt for now but we have so many years left together. You can't lose hope in me. You have to remember what I'm telling you right now. I will be back. All of us will be back."

"I know," you said. "I don't want to be alone again."

"I'm sorry it has to be like this," he whispered, "but Tony is going to need your help. And meanwhile, I am going to be fighting so hard to get back to you."

You nodded and pulled away. He kept his arm around you and kissed your head again.

Tony looked at your dad. "Why did you do that?" he asked.

Your dad replied, "We're in the endgame now."

You had a feeling he was saying that more for you than for Tony.


When Mantis said, "Something is happening" you knew it was the very end. You turned towards your dad. You didn't need to watch the Guardians disappear. You knew it was happening.

Your dad looked at you. "You can do this," he said. You nodded, tears filling your eyes. He reached out and took your hand. You held on tight and your dad looked at Tony and said, "It was the only way."

Your dad started to disappear. "I love you," he said to you.

You started to sob violently as he vanished. When your hand was empty, you turned, shoulders shaking, stomach turning. You didn't want what to happen to actually happen, but you couldn't stop it and it was becoming so real-

Peter met your eyes. His eyebrows furrowed together. "___? Where... where did he go? Where's your dad? What's happening?"

You slowly walked over to him. "I'm so sorry, Peter." You shook your head fast. "I am so sorry for everything. I'm sorry I can't tell you."

"Tell me what is happening," he pleaded. "I don't know what to do." He grabbed your arms and then his face paled. "I-I-"

"Peter," you cried. 

"I... what is happening?" He looked down at his legs. "I don't - I don't feel so good." He fell forward, eyes wide with horror. You caught him and lowered him to the floor. He squeezed your arms too tight. "___? M-me too? I... I don't want to go. I don't want to go. Please, please, I don't want..."

"It'll be okay, Peter," you breathed. You cupped his face and sobbed, touching your forehead to his. "I promise everything will be okay."

"You already promised that I would go home," he whispered. He started to shake. 

"I am so sorry." You pulled back and caressed his cheek, pushing some of his messy hair away from his forehead. 

He swallowed and watched you, his eyes shifting from one of your eyes to the other. He stilled in your arms.

"I don't want to lose you," he breathed.

"You won't," you said, but he was already disappearing. He became dust that blew away with the next breeze. You sat back on your heels and put your hands in your hair. 

You remembered every word your dad had said to you just minutes ago. You remembered that he wasn't really gone, but seeing them go was the most painful thing you had ever gone through. You had lost your mom, then your dad, then your best friend.

And now it was just you, Nebula, and Tony, stranded on Thanos's home planet. 

And you were all alone once again.


You, Tony, and Nebula went to Earth. As you landed in Wakanda, where Tony said there was enough help to finish this war, you pulled your phone out of your pocket. A giant crack ran down the corner. You turned it on. It still had a semi-full battery. You opened up your e-mail. 

You knew that it wasn't going to get anywhere. You knew that he was currently unreachable, but typing it out made you feel comforted, as if he was just on the other side of the world rather than the other side of the universe.

TO: Stephen Strange

FROM: ___ ___

SUBJECT (Re): I'm sorry

Come home soon.

I love you, Dad.

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