If I Never Felt This Love | Peter Parker (TH)

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requested by Wonderlandpetals. this is a chaos walking/disney AU. for those of you that haven't read chaos walking, ONLY the male characters have Noise (thoughts that can actually be heard constantly & there is no way to quiet it).

in this soulmate AU, the females have Noise only when they're around their soulmates (only their soulmates can hear it)

there will be a double update today! much later tonight though.



Peter had always heard that the minute you gave up on finding your soulmate, she would come. He didn't believe that anymore. He had given her up when he turned sixteen, and now he was nineteen and hadn't come any closer to meeting her.

He tried not to think about her much, mostly because everyone could hear what he was thinking, and that could get a little embarrassing when his mind started wandering and he began to wonder about her.

But he had definitely given up on finding her, because it wasn't like he was in any place to be a good soulmate. He was in college and was Spider-Man.

But at the same time, he needed her. He needed her last year when he died in space. He needed her when he came back, confused, and learned that Tony Stark had traded his soul for his. He needed her when he mourned for him and Uncle Ben-

And yet she wasn't there.

Peter always imagined meeting her in the middle of a crowd. He imagined it being after he defeated a villain or saved the city. In the midst of the Noise from the men, he would hear her. Soft, but prominent. Gentle, but strong. He pictured himself swinging down to meet her.

Peter didn't expect to meet her the way he did.

He didn't expect to meet her at all, really, but the way he did-

He was walking to Aunt May's, hands deep in his coat pockets, as it started to snow. He was trying to figure out a way to ask if he could move back home. He hated his dorm.

As he walked, he heard the usual whispers of Noise coming from the men that lived or worked nearby. In his nineteen years of life, he had mostly learned to drown them out.

And in that normal Noise, as he stepped off the curb and prepared to cross the street, he heard something new.

A humming. Humming of a song.

It sounded as if it was beside his head, right in his ear. He turned and no one was there. His heart nearly leaped out of his chest and he gasped, the feeling of hearing her so unreal.

After all that dreaming, after giving up, after deciding that he didn't need her and knowing he was lying to himself, he had found her.

Not really.

Peter ran across the street, ignoring the car that honked at him and slammed its brakes. He kept running down the sidewalk, the humming of a song making his heart flutter.

He kept going, not stopping to even catch his breath. He couldn't tell where she was and the humming wasn't changing really. He was so overwhelmed that it was actually happening-

Think, Peter. Think about where she is.

He closed his eyes and listened.

And his feet began to move.

It was like the air was carrying him. He opened his eyes slowly, scanning the sidewalk ahead. He saw a bench, and on that bench, a girl.

It was her.

He slowed as he neared her. He saw the way the streetlights caught in her hair. Her face was lit up with the light from her phone as she scrolled through. Her ankles were crossed and she was shaking slightly, obviously cold.

And man, was she beautiful.

Her head lifted and she glared at him. It took him a moment to realize that she had no idea that he was her soulmate. She was just thinking a creepy guy was staring and thinking about her.

"I-I'm your soulmate," he blurted.

She looked at him for a long moment. Then - "Prove it."

"You have a song stuck in your head," he breathed. He laughed lightly, shaking his head. His eyes were full of tears.

She stood up and faced him. Slowly, she took a step.

And he took a step.

And then she did.

And then they were so close.

She looked up at him, her breath visible and coming out of her mouth in small bursts. She raised her eyebrows as she thought, You can hear me?

He nodded. "I can," he whispered to her.

And she wondered what he thought of her.

"I think you're beautiful," he told her. "I think you're even more beautiful than I imagined you could be."

He searched her eyes. She searched his. They fell in love incredibly fast, all in one single moment. Each felt the other's growing love that multiplied in seconds.

"What's that song stuck in your head?" he asked her.

"It's the Pocahontas soundtrack," she said, smirking. She reached her hand into her pocket and pulled out some tangled earbuds. She pulled the knot out and handed him one of the buds. He took it and put it in as she plugged it into her phone and clicked on the next song.

It wasn't the song he had heard in her head, but it was a beautiful song nonetheless.

If I never knew you
If I never felt this love
I would have no inkling of
How precious life can be

He reached out to brush his ice cold fingers against the back of her hand. She opened her fingers and wrapped them around his. He couldn't explain the relief of having her there.

And if I never held you
I would never have a clue
How at last I'd find in you
The missing part of me

It was what he was waiting for. This moment, this song, this girl. Finding her was finding the missing part of himself. She was here. She was real.

He couldn't wait to live his life with his soulmate.

"It's you," he whispered.

She smiled. "It's me."


here is peter & the reader's song:

here is the song inside of the reader's head/what peter heard when he was searching for you:

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