The End of the Line (part one) | Peter Parker (TH)

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i will be writing a new infinity war peter imagine so long as there are requests. each of them will begin with a spoiler warning in bold, italics, and underlined so y'all don't ruin anything for yourselves. actually - just don't real the rest of the imagines at all if you haven't seen the movie.


i know the scene y'all really want me to write... but i'm not going to until Monday, when i see the movie again, so i can really capture how heartbreaking that was.

anyway, here we go. i love you guys.

peter parker isn't dead tho believe me.

this one is requested by myself. please put in requests!!! it can be an AU, not just what happened


Peter never told you that he was leaving.

Just a second ago, you were sitting next to Peter, your hand in his, one of his earbuds in your ear, your favorite love song blasting. He had smiled at you lovingly and you had looked away, blushing like crazy. He was scrolling through his phone in search of a new song to make you blush when-

"We're all gonna die!" Ned shouted.

You sat up fast, the earbud falling into your lap. Your head jerked around and you watched Ned and everyone else push their bodies towards the back of the bus. You pushed Flash Thompson's head to the side to see what was out there.

The giant spaceship in the sky made your heart sink to the floor.

And then the panic filled you.

And you knew.

You shouldn't have believed Ned when he got up and screamed that everyone was going to die. You should have known that Peter was going to sneak out of there before you could even have a chance to say goodbye. It was just a diversion, and after you had seen that giant ship in the sky, you knew.

You turned around. Peter's seat was, as you had expected, empty.

"Ned!" you shouted, punching Ned in the arm. "You idiot! How could you do that?"

He rubbed his shoulder. "Um, ow! He told me to! And look, we are probably all going to die!" He gestured out of the window. You did, too, and you saw a figure swinging over the water, getting further away.

"Peter!" you screamed, but you knew you weren't getting a goodbye. "Peter!"

Ned reached out and took your hand. You looked at him, eyes full of tears. "___, I'm sorry. But I knew that he wouldn't want-"

"I don't effing care!" you screamed. "Neither of you had any right to-" You sobbed, raising a hand to your mouth. "Oh gosh, Ned. I'm never going to see him again, am I?"

He didn't say anything, because what could he say?


You sat in front of your television, an uneaten plate of dinner, ice cold by now, on the coffee table. The footage was spotty and showed the same video clips of Iron Man flying in the sky briefly before disappearing in a cloud of thick smoke. Unknown creatures standing in front of Tony Stark and a couple of other guys you didn't know. Pieces of debris. The ship.

There were no updates.

You were going crazy, cooped up in your house without knowing... but there was nothing you could do.

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