I Am Spider-Man | Peter Parker (TH)

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requested by OceanofJelly. i have an older!peter x reader planned for tomorrow and maybe another infinity war series planned for the day after. what do y'all think? 

i have about 15 days until i go to disney world for my 19th birthday so i'll be finishing up a series a few days before, doing a couple more disney requests, and then i'll be on hiatus from may 22nd - june 3rd. again, if any of y'all are gonna be in the orlando area any of those days, i'd be happy to meet you! :)


"Hey, Mr. Delmar!" Peter exclaimed, jogging into the store. "What's up? How are ya?"

"Peter Parker," Delmar said, "I'm great. How are you? How's school?"

"Pretty good," he said, "kinda a waste of my time though." He laughed. 

Delmar shook his head. "Appreciate your life while you're young, kid."

Peter smiled. "Yeah." He scratched the side of his head, suddenly unable to look Mr. Delmar in the eye. "Hey, is uh-"

"Hey Peter!" you said, stepping out of the back. You walked to the counter. "What's up?"

"Hey ___," he greeted happily, "I-I'm great."

"Oh for the love of..." Mr. Delmar, your dad, muttered. He turned away. "You want the same as always, Pete?" 

"Yes please, Mr. Delmar," he said. He looked down at you. You leaned against the counter. "Are you coming to Ned's birthday party next week?"

"I might," you said. "If you don't ditch early, I will."

He grinned. "When Mr. Stark calls..."

"Yeah," you said, rolling your eyes. 

"So what's up? You working right now?" he asked. 

"No, just hanging out," you said. "Why? You wanna hang out?"

"Oh, I'd love to," he said, "but I'm actually heading to the Stark Internship right now, so..." He frowned and smacked his hands together, then dropped them to the counter. "Sorry."

"Aw, that's too bad," you said, pouting. "I was going to grab a couple bags of gummy worms and sneak us both to the roof. You're not afraid of heights, are you?" you teased. 

He laughed. "No, I actually like heights. More than you'd think." Mr. Delmar set the wrapped up sandwich on the counter. "Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Delmar." He opened his wallet and took out a five. 

You stopped him with a hand. "It's on the house."

Your dad stopped. "Stop giving away our food! You're gonna run us out of business!"

You laughed. "This is the last time, I swear," you said. You looked at Peter and mouthed, "No it isn't."

He laughed, feeling his heart skip a beat. "Hey, I gotta go."

"Alright," you said. "I'll see you later."

He backed up towards the door and pointed. "I'll text you tonight!"

"Okay!" you said, beaming. "Bye!"


He left the store and jogged down the street. He couldn't wipe the smile of his face. He just really, really liked you.


After a long night of helping old ladies and stopping guys from stealing cars, Peter was pretty much done - until he saw the guys wearing the Avengers masks robbing the ATM.

What he thought would be a smooth fight ended up with him unsure of what weird alien tech had hit him and seeing the entirety of Delmar's store burst into flames.

He turned over and his eyes widened. "Mr. Delmar," he gasped. "___!" He threw himself off the floor and sprinted towards the building. "Mr. Delmar, you in here?" He ran in, shielding his face from the hot flames that were rising higher up. 

He found Mr. Delmar in about twenty seconds. He scooped your cat up, too. As he half carried your dad out of the building, he panicked. 

"Where is she?"

"Who?" he coughed. 

"___ - uh, your daughter? Is she in there?"

"No, she went out to get dinner," he coughed violently. 

Peter just watched your home, your store, burst into flames.

"Dad? Dad!" 

He turned, seeing you run towards them both, a box of pizza slip from your hands. You started sobbing as your dad got up on his knees and embraced you. He cried along with you. 

Peter just watched your face, feeling something inside of him change.


He felt so wrong about keeping the secret from you. 

Why had he kept it from you for so long?

After school the next day, Peter sent you a text and asked where you were living. You told him that you were living in your aunt's house for a while. He asked for the address and told you he'd stop by with a dinner from Aunt May. 

He arrived at six with a pasta dish. He handed it to Mr. Delmar and then found you in the guest bedroom. You were sitting on the floor, surrounded by a suitcase of clothes.

"I lost almost everything," you told him. 

Peter slowly walked over to you. He dropped down on the carpet next to you. "I am so sorry," he breathed.

"Why are you sorry?" you lifted a t-shirt to your nose and sniffed. You grimaced and threw it away from you. "Ugh, it smells like fire." You pressed your hands to the sides of your head and teared up.

"Hey, everything will be okay," Peter said softly. He put an arm around you and rubbed your back.

"How? How will everything be okay? All I have left..." You pushed the suitcase away and wiped your eyes. 

"Well, first-" He grabbed his backpack and opened it. He pulled out the grey NASA t-shirt and handed it to you. "Here."

You took in from him slowly. "What... what is this for?"

"It's your favorite," he said, smiling warmly. "I want you to have it."

"Really?" you asked. You grinned. "Thank you, Pete. Thank you so much."

"It's no problem," he said. "And, uh... there's something else I wanted to tell you." He watched as you slipped the t-shirt on over the black tank top you had been wearing. 

"What is it?" you asked, pulling your hair out from your shirt.

"I... am Spider-Man," he said.

You looked at him and snorted. "Yeah, okay. Funny. And I am Captain America."

"___, I'm not kidding," he said. He pulled something out of his backpack and handed it to you. You gently took it, looking it over. "I was there at the fire. I got your dad out, I tried to stop it... but I couldn't. I'm sorry. I just had to tell you." You just stared at it. "I mean, it smells like smoke. I'm not lying to you, ___. I was there. I am him."

You shook your head. "You were there?"

"Yeah," he said. "I'm so sorry-"

You dropped the mask and hugged him. You buried your face in his shoulder. "Thank you," you whispered. 

"F-For what?"

"For saving my dad and my cat," you said. "They could have died."

"I wasn't going to let that happen," he promised. You were quiet for a second, so he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," you whispered, a tear falling down your cheek. You smiled. "I'm okay."

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