I Wonder | Peter Parker (TH)

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by the time this is posted, it will be sunday so... it's disney day! y'all know what that means

this was requested by Kkitty7915

Q: who is your favorite disney princess? (OFFICIAL disney princess... not nala, not shuri, not vanellope... only out of snow white, cinderella, aurora, ariel, belle, jasmine, pocahontas, mulan, tiana, rapunzel, merida, anna, elsa, elena, or moana... and yes i count moana bc i don't get why people are so reluctant to call strong women princesses... screw that! be a strong princess. all princesses are strong)

- ariel! 

this was based on sleeping beauty btw and yeah okay i put a lot of emotion in it because ugh i just want to meet my future husband SO BAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ever since you were a young teenager, you dreamed of falling in love. 

Not dating a boy just to say proudly you were dating a boy. Not holding hands with someone that didn't feel their hearts surge with life when they touched you. Not just any boy that was with you just because they thought you were their idea of pretty or you got them all of the attention you wanted. No, you wanted a relationship where it was you and they boy that adored you to no end; a relationship where you were both equals, both holding each other up, comforting each other, loving on another, being there for one another. 

But no one was ever around. 

It hurt so badly sometimes. You often wondered why you were the only one around that didn't have anyone. What was it about you that made boys look away when they saw you? You weren't that ugly, were you? You weren't that annoying, were you? You often grew depressed in your loneliness. 

You were alone - with no end in sight. 

And wow, did that hurt.

Still, you started each day with a sense of hope. Maybe this was the day, you'd think to yourself. Maybe someone will notice me today! Maybe I'll fall in love! 


But most days, you went to bed more disappointed than the night before. 

That was fine. You could live. 

No matter how badly it hurt. 

You walked home from school, enjoying the warm spring weather and the feeling of freedom. It was Friday, and for a whole two and a half days, you wouldn't have to worry about school at all. No stress, no anxiety... just relaxation, books, and sleep. 

And maybe you could forget about all of the people you saw at school - the ones that were so in love and happy... 

Maybe you could just forget about those. 


Peter sat on top of a building, shoving the last mouthful of a sandwich in his mouth. He wiped some pickle juice off his chin and chewed, just staring at the orange sunlight. Another day of being Spider-Man was coming to an end, and now he had a whole weekend to unwind in. 

He balled up his wrapped and rolled his mask down the rest of his face. He perched on the very edge, teetering towards the road. He would swing by a trash can, throw away his garbage, and then go home. May would be home in a few hours, they would go out to dinner, and he would play video games for the rest of the night.

He bent his hand at the wrist and a homemade web flew out towards the building ahead. It stuck to a window and he prepared to swing down - 

But he looked down (why?) and he saw (why did he look down?) the prettiest girl he had ever seen (what had made him look down?). 

He didn't know why he had looked down, but wow-


Were you breathtaking. 

His breath hitched in his throat and he stumbled off the side of the building. He fell, gasping as the web swung his unprepared body to the building. He crashed against it with his side, falling straight down into a pile of smelly garbage bags below. 

"Oh!" he grunted. "Ouch!"

He hissed but sat up fast, anyway - looking around for the girl that had left him so dazed. 

He wasn't sure why he felt it, but the need to find you was so strong that it consumed him. 

He had to find you. For whatever reason, he had to. 

He got up out of the trash, grimacing as he stepped in a wad of chewed pink gum. He swallowed down his disgust and ran on, feeling the sticky gum squish underneath his foot as he ran after you. 

"Hey!" he called. "Hang on a sec!"

Of course you didn't, because on the busy street of Queens, why would a random boy be calling after you?

"Hey! Hang on!" he shouted. He slammed into a homeless man and gasped, grabbing his shoulders to hold him. "Oh crap! Sorry, sir! I am looking for a pretty girl and-"

"Yeah?" The filthy man smiled. "Me, too."

Peter grimaced beneath the mask. "O-kay? You're creepy. Stay away from girls, thanks!" He ran off, giving the man a wave without looking. He was falling behind. 

"Karen!" he shouted. "Find that girl!"

"That girl that made you fall?" she asked. 

"Yes," he said, a little annoyed. 

Karen laughed. "That was funny, Peter."

"Karen!" he scolded. 

"I'm finding her," she said. "She is on the next block. I suggest getting on a higher level to-"

He shot a web and flew up to the top of a building. He ran from rooftop to rooftop, leaping over the gapes in between them. "Can I see her from up here?" he asked. 

"Yes," Karen says. "I've zoomed in on where she is. Can you see her, Peter?"

"Yes! Thank you, Karen. You're the best!"

He ran the rest of the way, urging his legs to run a little bit faster. As you turned to the apartment complex behind the rusty gate, Peter jumped off of the roof. He landed hard on his feet right in front of you, making you gasp and jump back in surprise. He straightened his back and gave a wave. 

"Hi. Hi! I'm Spider-Man," he said. He paused. "Well - I, uh." 

(Why was he going to do it?)

(Don't do it, Peter, just don't-)


He pulled off his mask. 

"My name is Peter. Peter Parker."

He took in a deep breath, staring into your wide eyes. Your expression softened, your on eyes raking over his face. 

"I... I just had to tell you that. I-I don't know why."

You smiled. 


You smiled at the boy standing in front of you. 

You were a strong believer in fairy tales, in true love, in love at first sight, in soulmates... in all of that. And by some miracle - 

You had found it all at once.

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