I Hope They Remember You (part twenty-eight) | Peter Parker (TH)

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The Avengers left the battlefield knowing that the war wasn't over.

They left as Thanos did, fearful that he would find the final stone that had been in Peter's possession all along.

They tried to make their peace with the knowledge that there was a chance that he would find the Time Stone, and then the galaxy would be in danger once more.

If he got it, chances were they wouldn't be able to stop it.

They would make peace with that. But for now, they had to make peace with the deaths of their friends.

Inside of the palace, the team stood around, quiet and beyond the point of exhaustion. Peter held your hand the entire time, sitting on a step in the throne room, watching you as you stared at the ground.

He reached over and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. You turned your head and looked at him.

"I'm going to need you now more than ever," you said. "Are you up for that?"

"I am never going to leave you," he said.

You smiled and leaned against him, tucking your head under his chin. He let go of your hand and wrapped an arm around you. His lips touched the top of your head.

Shuri approached you and Peter, Bucky trailing behind her. "Peter," she said, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm good," he said.

She smiled. "I can't believe you did it. You pulled it off."

He looked away. "Yeah..."

You moved in his arms so you could look at him. "Be proud. You did what my dad wanted. He knew this was the way it had to be."

"Fathers aren't supposed to out live their children," Bucky said. He gave you a sad look and then sat down next to you.

Peter got up, wanting to give you some time. You nodded, watching him walk off with Shuri.

Bucky looked at you. "He loved you."

"He loved you, too," you said, staring at the floor. "Much more than he did me at the end there."

"I never did agree with how he ditched you guys for me," Bucky said, shaking his head. "But he loved you and your dad. I know he did."

"Me too," you sighed, "and I wish we had more time together."

"You're not alone," he said, reaching over and placing a hand on your knee.

Gently, you took his hand off of your leg and placed it in both of your palms. You held on tight and looked at him, smiling through your tears.

In the midst of your grief came a newfound love for new friends.


"You all have a place here," T'Challa said, gazing at the entire team. "You are all welcome to stay for as long as you need." He looked at you and nodded before crossing the room.

"Your highness," you whispered, stuttering a little as you remembered you needed to bow.

He stopped you before you could. "Please," he said, "there is no need for that." He smiled and placed a hand on your shoulder. "I too lost my father before I believed it was his time to go. I know the pain and struggle that comes with losing a parent. My sister does as well. If you ever need anything, anything at all, please do not hesitate to come visit Wakanda. Stay as long as you need. You have a place here."

"Thank you, your majesty," you said. He gave you a look and so you added, "I mean - T'Challa."

He smiled. "We're friends," he said.

You nodded. "But I can't stay. My dad has a company and it's on my shoulders now."

"Not just your shoulders," Peter said, walking up.

You turned your head and smiled, reaching back to grab his hand. "No," you said, "I'll have a little help."

"More than a little," Natasha said, passing by. She handed you a bottle of water. "We aren't leaving you ever again, kid." She touched your arm.

"Thanks, Nat," you whispered.


The Guardians were leaving that night. You all stood outside of their ship, saying your goodbyes. Gamora hugged you tight, pulling away to touch your cheek.

"If you need us, you contact us," she said, her voice sweet and motherly.

"I will," you promised.

"If you need me," she added, "I will always be here for you. I'll fly across the galaxy to be with you if you need me."

You hugged her again. She had lost her family to Thanos, too, but by finding one another, you each found a sister.

"I'm sorry about your Nebula," you told her, pulling away and looking into her eyes.

She shook her head slightly. "She died with honor as she protected me. I know that is all she ever wanted."

She pulled away as Quill approached, hands in his pockets as he looked from you to Peter. His eyes fixed on you and he smirked.

"I guess the Avengers are yours now," he said.

You blinked in shock. "I... guess so? I don't-" You looked around. "If Bruce or Rhodey-"

"No," Bruce said, shaking his head, smiling. 

Rhodey smiled encouragingly. "Your dad would want you in charge, kid."

"Seriously," Natasha added.

You pressed your lips together and looked back at Quill. "Yeah," you breathed, "I guess I'm in charge now."

"You call us whenever you need to kick some alien butt," he said. "Or some fake god's butt, I mean- my own dad thought he was a god. Turns out he was just a giant alien loser that I had to kill. As these things usually go..." He cleared his throat. "Anyway. Not your dad, though. He was a good guy. I liked him a lot." He patted your arm. "Stay strong, kid."

"I will," you said. "Thanks, Quill."

Groot walked up to you. Rocket was behind him.

"I am Groot," Groot said, and you looked to Rocket for explanation.

"He said that as far as he's concerned, you're one of us," he said.

"I am Groot!" he added.

"And then he said welcome to the freakin' Guardians of the Galaxy. Only he didn't use freaking."

You snickered. "Thanks, Groot." He nodded and walked off. "See ya, Rocket."

"Bye kid," he said.

The Guardians got on the ship. As it took off, you stood next to Peter, holding his hand, knowing that the moment the ship disappeared, a new life would begin for both you and him.

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