Reoccurring Nightmare (part two) | Peter Parker (TH)

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to those of you that didn't read my miles morales imagine that was published earlier, Reoccurring Nightmares won the vote! i am honestly very relieved bc i did not like Perfect For Each Other. i was very insecure about my writing in that one haha


"If you're so sure that you can get Peter back, and that he isn't really dead, then why are we going to his funeral?" 

Tony sighed as he finished putting his tie on. He caught your eye in the mirror and frowned. "May can't know that there's a chance," he said.

"Why? So if it doesn't work out, you won't let her down again?" you asked, your voice void of emotion. You turned and walked out of the room, black dress swishing around your knees.

Pepper breathed softly and stepped up to Tony, placing a hand to his chest as he looked worriedly after his daughter. "She'll be better soon," she told him. "This will be a hard day."

"I know," he said. 

"Do you really think there's a chance? A chance to get him and the others back?" she asked.

"Carol does," he said.

Pepper's hand slid up his chest and she leaned against him, closing her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her orange hair.

This was going to be a hard day.


There was no body, so there was no casket. May Parker stood in front of a wooden table that had an array of family photos. You slowly approached them while she hugged a friend from her book club.

A picture of Peter when he was four or five, sitting on the toilet seat, brushing his teeth and grinning a toothy grin. Peter when he was in eighth grade. Peter and May at a theme park together, a bag of cotton candy in Peter's hands. You and Peter before homecoming last year. That one made your heart break a little. Your fingers brushed the glass, smudging it a little.

"__," you heard, and you turned to see May, her long hair tied up in bun at the top of her head. She wore a black sweater that scratched your skin when you hugged her. You started sobbing on her arm because she smelled like Peter. 

May didn't tell you that it was okay, or that he was in a better place, because she needed to hear those things, too. Neither of you were strong enough to comfort each other, so you both just held one another up and cried. 

"I waited for him," she whispered. "I kept on waiting and he didn't come home."

You squeezed your eyes shut, because gosh, she sounded like you.

You pulled away and your dad handed you a tissue. May gave him a look but didn't say anything. If you weren't right there, she probably would have hit him. Or asked him to leave. She clearly blamed him for the death of her nephew. 

Good, because so did he.

"I am so sorry for your loss," Tony said to her, voice quivering. 

She lifted her chin and blinked, casting her eyes to the floor. "He was all I had left."

Tony opened his lips, wanting so badly to tell her not to give up. "I'm sorry," was all he could say.


You sat next to May during the service. The preacher read from the Bible and May cried on your shoulder. He then told everyone stories of May and her beloved Peter - how he took care of her after her husband past, how he tried so hard in school and always carried the weight of the world on his shoulders just because he was a selfless person...

The service was long and you switched between digging your nails into your palms and biting your lip so you wouldn't fall to the ground in heartbroken sobs. Your dad put his arm around you and you leaned into him a little. 

He may not act like it, but he needed someone just as much as you did.


At the cemetery, they buried an empty casket. A wreath of red roses sat on top of it. The preacher read a few more Bible verses and everyone cried. You saw Ned across the plot. His red eyes met yours. 

Before they lowered the casket into the ground, people were allowed to pluck a rose from the wreath. You grabbed one, pulled it out, and held it gently in your hands. You pressed it to your nose and inhaled. It had no scent.

Ned was still standing there, hands in his pockets. You walked over to him.

"Did you want a rose?" you asked.

"No," he said. "I don't want to remember this day."

You nodded.

"How are you holding up?" he asked, still not looking at you.

"I haven't been," you said.

"Me neither," he told you. "I've been sitting alone at lunch. And in Biology. And Chemistry. Flash doesn't even pick on me anymore because he feels bad for me. I don't know what to do or who to talk to. I almost messaged you twice, but it isn't fair to lean on you 'cause we are pretty much in the same freaking boat."

Your blinked away tears. Your dad was standing next to Happy by the car. He gave you a look that said it was time to go.

"Ned," you said. He looked at you, a tear falling down his cheek. You reached up on your tiptoes and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. As you hugged him tightly, you whispered fast. "We think we can get him back. We just need time. Don't lose hope and don't let May lose hope. Promise me." You pulled back. 

"I-I promise," he stammered. 

You nodded. "You can text me. I'm not okay but you can still text me." 


You gave May another hug before you walked to your car. Happy opened the door for you and your dad and inside, your dad took your hand.

"I know it feels like a long shot, but I think we can get him back," he said. "I contacted Wakanda and they have Thor and Rogers. They claim that the stones were destroyed when he snapped his fingers. We can end this war and bring them back. I know we can."

You looked out the window. 

"If you hate me, kid, I get it," he said. "I let you down. I didn't bring him home like I said I would."

"I don't hate you, Dad. I just want him back."

He squeezed your hand. "Me, too." He pulled out the flip phone from his pocket and selected the only contact. 

I have someone that can help. I need to get that kid back.

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