A Fairytale | Peter Parker (TH)

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double upload but this wasn't requested. i wrote this for one of my closest internet friends, melancholymacaron, who is one of the sweetest, gorgeous girls i've ever gotten to know. she is turning 17 tomorrow (or technically in less than an hour) and this is for her!

happy birthday, love! i hope you have the most MAGICAL day!!! i love love love you!

this is another disney parks one - this time, it's walt disney world, my favorite place on Earth! :) i'm sitting here with my go-to wdw playlist (for all of y'all that wanna know - that's the fantasyland loop, journey of the little mermaid ride audio, mickey's philharmagic, kiss goodnight, and wishes)


You were excited from the moment the Magicbands came in the mail. Well, you were excited when Peter and May finally booked the trip and included you with it, but when the Magicbands came in, it really felt real. You put the purple band on your arm and grabbed Peter's hand, posing his arm to take a picture of your purple band against his red one.

"T-minus thirty days!" you sang, snapping the picture.

Peter just grinned at you.


On the day you were to fly out to Florida, your parents dropped you off at the Parker family's apartment. It was five in the morning and the sun wasn't even threatening to rise just yet. You rolled your suitcase and lugged your heavy backpack to the door and knocked. Half a second later, a groggy Peter opened the door, still in his pajamas.

"Happy Disney World day!" you screamed. May cheered somewhere in the kitchen.

Peter rubbed his eyes. "Have you slept at all, ___?" he asked.

"No! Of course not! There's time to sleep on the plane. C'mon, Peter! Get dressed!" You pushed him towards his bedroom. "Get your bags! Put deodorant on! Brush your teeth!"

He tipped his head back and groaned. "My gosh, you're so annoying!"

"I'm excited," you said. You pushed him inside of his room and shut the door. Then you ran to the kitchen and saw May cooking pancakes. They were shaped like Mickey heads.

"Happy Disney day!" she said, handing you a plate. She was the only one that understood your level of excitement. "Festive, huh?" She winked and handed you a bottle of syrup.


You were too excited to eat so Peter ate all of his pancakes and yours. You left for the airport in May's car and sang Disney songs all the way there. After several solos of Part Of Your World and How Far I'll Go, and then duets of For the First Time In Forever and See the Light with May, you arrived at the airport. Peter was finally starting to wake up (after you bought a coffee for him) and everyone was eager to board the plane.

It couldn't come a moment too soon.


When the plane finally touched down in Orlando, you reached over and grabbed Peter's hand. He held it back and smiled at you, blushing.

You were too excited to notice.


The next day, after a nights rest in a hotel, you were going to the Magic Kingdom.

Your heart was in your throat as you walked up to Main Street, U.S.A.. You were shaking and Peter kept checking to see if you were okay, but you were getting too overwhelmed by the instrumental version of Colors of the Wind playing as you approached the entrance. You got your bags checked, scanned your Magicband, and then you were in front of the train station.

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