Summer | Peter Parker (TH)

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guys, when i say there won't be a part two, it isn't to be mean. i know you guys want more and i'm sorry, but sometimes i don't want to continue or can't. telling me it isn't fair or i dont write for you guys is ridiculous. what really isn't fair is complaining to me about not doing enough for you.

requested by tomholland_1996


You walked through the short grass, diploma in hand. You had to stretch up on the toes of your shoes to spot him through the thick crowd of bright blue robes. A grin was plastered on your face, highlighted with red lipstick.

He found you before you found him. He pushed his way through the crowd, hurrying to you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He lifted you into the air, making you giggle as he planted his lips on yours.

You had both graduated high school and now had a full three months of summer to spend together.

But that was it.

Because after high school came college, and Peter was moving to Manhattan and you were going to a small college in your hometown, and you wouldn't be able to see him frequently then.

But neither of you wanted to talk about that right now, so you grasped onto his biceps and kissed him passionately in the sticky summer air, getting lipstick smudges all over his lips.



An after school party at Liz's took place on the first day of summer. It was officially the day to say goodbye to everyone in your class. You danced with Michelle, who was taking an internship in D.C. starting next week, and ate pizza with Ned, who would be sticking around until school started. Then he was going to figure things out from there. He really wanted to take his time.

As you worked on your third slice, Peter walked into through the door, slightly sweaty after having to rush with his Spider-Man duties. He came in and hugged you, grabbing a can of Coke and a slice of pizza. He sat at the kitchen counter with you, holding your hand.

After stuffing yourselves too much with pizza, you danced in the living room to Liz's playlist of popular songs. You laughed and had the best time of your life, switching from dancing with Peter to Ned to Michelle, then all of your group coming together - one final time.



It was just you, Peter, and Ned now. Most nights consisted of movies and junk food, but there were a few days of just you and Peter.

Park dates, picnics, ice cream dates, movies, plays, anything. Peter dragged you to some boring museums (and apologized after even though you didn't mind because it meant you could spend time with him) and took you to see your favorite Broadway show. That was a surprise, and something he had been saving up for for months.

There were nights of sitting in your yard with a pitcher of lemonade and a sleeve of cookies, The Office playing on your phone. There were nights of you just sitting on the couch with him, holding his hand.

July was full of so many perfect nights, untouched by the worry of leaving. August was the month for that. For now, you could enjoy your simple life with the boy you loved.



The beginning of the month was the same as July, but Ned got a job at a grocery store and stopped hanging around as much and you and Peter each had anxiety about the future, which you both were keeping to yourself.

It was a night of ice cream sundaes inside of the little ice cream shop you both liked so much. Earlier, Liz had thrown a pool party for her friends, but the only people you really knew there were Liz and Peter. A lot of people had already moved on, and that made you and Peter think about having to move on.

As you spooned some hot fudge into your mouth, Peter looked up from his banana split. Your eyes met his and you giggled, seeing a drop of strawberry sauce in the corner of his lips. You grabbed a napkin and swiped it away, drawing a slight smile out of him.

"We need to talk," he said.

"About what?" you asked.

"I know you've thought about it, and we talked about it last year when you applied for your college, but... next month you leave, and I-" He dropped his head. "I don't want to break up, if I'm being honest, but if you think it's best, then..."

"I don't think breaking up is best," you said quickly. "I mean, I don't want to break up with you."

His brown eyes met yours again and he pressed his lips together into a stressed line. "We'll see each other during Christmas and summer. Is that enough for you?"

"No, but it'll have to be," you said.

"Long distance is hard," he said. "And what if you meet someone else?"

"Peter," you said, shaking your head. "I won't find anyone else."

"You don't know that!"

"Is that what you're worried about with this whole long distance thing?" you asked.

"No," he said. "I'm worried about going a day without getting to talk to you even once. I'm worried about missing birthdays. I'm worried about one of us forgetting how much we loved each other when we were together and ending it over the phone."

"Peter," you said, "this is it for me, you know. You and me? We're it. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with you." You took his hand and rubbed your thumb across his fingers. "We can worry about the goodbye part when the moment comes, but for now, let's just be together. Because even when we're long distance, I'll still be in love with you. And I know saying it doesn't prove it really, but trust me. I love you more than anything, Peter Parker, and a little distance isn't going to change that."

He smiled with excitement. "Plus there are midterm breaks, and summers..."

"And I'm only going for two years, anyway," you added.

"Right. And when you're done, we'll be grown ups, so..."

"You can propose," you teased.

He laughed and squeezed your hand. "And then we can get married somewhere nice you'd like, like the beach. And then we can have kids, and I can still be Spider-Man and you can wait for me at home and I'll come in through our window every night and kiss you and tell you that you're the best wife ever."

"You've thought about our future a lot, too," you said smiling.

"Yeah." His cheeks were pink. "I just see you."

"And I see you," you said. You leaned over and kissed his cheek.



The day came. Your things were packed in boxes and Peter came to lift it all into your car. Then he stood outside with you, holding both of your hands.

It wasn't sad. It wasn't full of tears.

He kissed you on the mouth. "I love you," he said. "Call me when you get there and we can talk for a few hours."

"Okay," you said.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too." You smiled. "This will pass quickly though, and then we can get to our future."

He nodded. "I just see you."

You looked at him lovingly and placed a hand on his cheek. He leaned into your touch and you kissed him on the lips softly, stroking your thumb against his cheekbone. You pulled back and smiled up at the boy you still loved so much.

"And I see you," you replied.

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