I'm All Alone (part nine) | Peter Parker (TH)

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thank you to everyone who took up for me. I've read each of your comments. I won't respond to them because I don't want to stir the pot further with the others, but seriously: thank you. you mean the world to me. i love you.


"Do you hear what he's saying?" you mouthed to Peter. You were both pressed to the ship on your stomachs, side by side, out of sight. Your dad was talking to Thanos, but you couldn't hear more than a few words here and there.

He nodded. "Yes," he mouthed, "but it's boring stuff."

You grinned in amusement.

Then, Thanos said, "Us?"

"That's our cue!" Peter exclaimed. He hopped up and jumped down. You followed him and drew your shields, landing on your feet behind him. The Guardians and Tony Stark jumped out, blasters and guns firing. Thanos was able to dodge it all.

"Make me a portal now!" he shouted to you. You nodded and drew one up. He jumped into it and fell out of the other side that opened near Thanos's head.

"Magic!" Peter exclaimed. He punched him in the head and jumped through another. "Magic!" He jumped through again and kicked Thanos in the head. You grinned. "Magic with a kick!"

Thanos grabbed him by his neck and threw him onto the ground. You dropped your hands and ran to him, screaming, "Peter!"

Peter gasped and grabbed at the hand wrapped around his neck. He choked and you grabbed Thanos by the arm, throwing a magic spell at him and tugging him away. Thanos turned and punched you right in the face. He threw you backwards.

"N-" Peter tried to shout. He got free as the Guardians and Tony attacked them at the same time. He ran to where you were laying on the ground. "___? ___?"

You were on you back, your eyes squeezed shut. There was a gash in your forehead that was bleeding out. Peter put his hands under your back and helped you sit up.

"Hey, hey, come on," he pleaded. Your head dropped back over his arm and your eyes stayed closed. "___, ___ you can't, okay?" His voice broke. "We have a plan, we have-"

Your eyes peeled open and you shook your head. "My head hurts," you said. "It's bleeding, isn't it?"

"Just tell me if you're dying," he said. "Tell me if I have to say goodbye, if this is what happens, please-"

"This isn't it," you breathed. "I'm okay."

"Oh, thank goodness," he gasped. He dropped his head to touch yours. "I was so scared. I was so freaking scared. I was thinking I'd have to tell you everything right now and then lose you. I can't lose you now-"

"Peter," you said. You pulled yourself from his arms and stood up. Blinking the hazy blur from your eyes, you saw Tony and Drax grab Thanos's arms, holding him down. You grabbed Peter's hand, swallowed your dread, and ran forward. "Come on."

Peter grabbed the hand Tony had and you grabbed the other. You looked at him and bit your lip, trying not to cry.

You didn't want what to happen to happen.

Behind Thanos, you saw your dad. He did nothing, because he knew there was no point in it. There was no stopping what had to happen to you and the Avengers. The only way to save the world was to lose.

He stared at you and nodded, encouraging you. You knew he thought you were strong. He thought you were stronger than him, but he was so wrong. You were feeling too scared and weak and you definitely weren't strong enough for this, not strong at all-

Mantis put her hands on the sides of Thanos's head and he fell under and into a stupor. His eyes rolled in the back of his head. He stilled, hands still slightly trembling. He growled and groaned and twitched, and Quill stood in front of him and laughed like he had won.

Your heart ached for him so badly.

"We have got you now," he laughed. "This was my plan, by the way. My plan. Totally an awesome one. Anyway." He pointed his blaster at him. "Where is Gamora?"

"Hurry this up, will you, Quill?" Tony gasped. "Kid, hold on a little tighter. Right there, yeah-"

"Where is Gamora?" he asked again, voice full of anger. "Tell me where she is!'

"M-my... Gamora..." Thanos growled.

"No crap!" Quill said. He hit him in the face once, getting aggravated. "Tell me where she is!"

Mantis cried out as she felt his feelings. "He is full of so much sadness-"

"Good!" Quill said. "So the thing can feel things. Interesting." He hit him again.

Mantis shook her head. She whimpered, looking at Quill. "He - he mourns! He mourns for... for Gamora."

Quill froze. You closed your eyes. You hated this, hated it so much-

"What?" he asked, sounding weak.

"He took her with him because she knew where the stone was." Nebula, standing behind him, shook her head. "He returned with the Soul Stone. She did not come back with him. He traded her."

"He what?" Quill whispered. "N-no..."

You looked away from his face and loosened your grip on Thanos. It was useless. It was useless. It was useless.

"Quill, buddy, keep it together, okay?" Tony asked. "Get the arm off. Get the-"

Quill started to beat Thanos's face and head with the gauntlet.

"Quill, stop! Stop it-"

He screamed and kept hitting him, knocking Mantis's hands off. Peter tried to pull the gauntlet off, but Thanos woke up, and he grabbed the gauntlet, put it back on, and hit them away.

You fell to the ground, hitting your chin and biting your tongue. You ignored the stinging, throbbing pain and turned around on your back. Peter stumbled backwards and looked at you. Your eyes were filled with tears.

"You said we'd win!" he shouted at you. He sounded angry at you, and you hated it so much. You hated knowing what he was about to go through. He shot webs at Thanos,  desperately trying to blind or distract him enough to grab him again. "You said-"

"I'm sorry, Peter," you whispered. He didn't hear you. "I'm sorry for everything."

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