I Hope They Remember You (part nineteen) | Peter Parker (TH)

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again, thank you all for the sweet messages and comments. i appreciate them all more than words can say. i promise i'll respond as soon as i can! 

some of y'all were trying to convince me to leave though, which i thought was funny. do you want me to stay or go? haha. i get that you might think that a break from writing will make me like college, but that's crazy y'all. college sucks. the end. also, fun fact: i am really stressed because my day to register for classes is the very last day of registration, so everything is going to be gone and i am going to get all crappy classes again! which is funny because husband or not, i'm leaving next semester if i'm stuck in five classes similar to the crappy ones i have now. i'll be homeless. i don't even care. college made me so depressed and i am so angry at it.


yes there will be several more parts. and y'all, i'm making this up as i go, so no, not everything is going to be realistic (it's a fic about super heroes??? what is going to be realistic about it??? smh)


Tony knew, without a fraction of a doubt, that he was going to die. 

He had already said goodbye to Pepper. He had let her sob in his arms as she heard the news of your passing. Even before she fell in love with Tony, it was like she was your mom. She loved you like she would love her own child, and now you were torn from them. From the little broken family they had formed. 

After he told Pepper, he kissed her deeply, stroked her cheeks, and said goodbye. 

She was so shocked that he didn't have to even pry her fingers off of his t-shirt. All he had to do was take a step back, holding her out at arm's length, and leave. He thought he maybe heard her fall to her knees, but he knew he wouldn't be able to leave if he looked back to see. 


Tony said goodbye to Happy Hogan. He thanked him for taking care of his daughter when he was in the desert or too consumed with alcohol. He dismissed him, knowing there wasn't anyone left to care for. 

"What about the kid?" Happy asked. 

Tony froze. He had just told him about what had happened to you. "I'm sorry?" he asked softly, voice barely above a whisper. 

"The kid," Happy said again. "Peter."

"I..." Tony swallowed. "He isn't our problem."

"Sure he is," Happy said. "I didn't take care of the kid from a year after Cap went crazy just to be told he wasn't any part of your life or isn't a pain in my-"

"Fine, take care of him," Tony said. "Actually... make sure he doesn't follow me."

"Why? Where are you going?" When Tony paused, Happy sighed. "Sir, just because you fired me just now doesn't mean I'm not going to demand to know where you are going. I think we are friends by now, don't you?"

Tony ducked his head, snorting softly. He pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded up at Happy. "I'm confronting Thanos," he said. 

"The... the alien space god," Happy said, nodding. 

"Yeah, that one."

"Okay... okay."

"I just... he killed my daughter," Tony said. 

Happy held out his hand. "I'll take care of the kid, Mr. Stark," he said. They shook hands. "It has been a pleasure working for you, you know."


Tony didn't say goodbye to Peter. 

He didn't even tell him where he was going or why he would never be back. He hadn't even talked to him since he yelled at him on Wakanda 

It felt so wrong, treating him like that-

But he had to keep the kid out of it. Tony didn't resent Peter for the death of his daughter. He knew the risks when he recruited two kids on the team. He was just so hurt and lost without his daughter beside him. You were what kept him in line, and now you were gone, and he had nothing to stop him from going to space and confronting Thanos himself. 


"Tony, speaking to him will do nothing," Gamora tried to tell him. He was on their ship again, setting off to wherever Thanos was currently hiding, basking in the glory of being so close to victory over the entire universe. 

"I don't plan on a deep, therapy session with him," he said, messing around with the armor plates he needed to fix. 

She pressed her lips together. "Well, you can't hurt him physically. There aren't many options as to what you can do to him, Tony, but there is no limit to what he can and will do to you. Your armor cannot stop what he has planned for you. For all of us." She shook her head. "He needs just one more stone, and then we are all dead anyway. Just... wait it out and then it'll be over."

"Gamora, hey," Quill whispered. He turned in his chair and looked at her. "We still got a chance."

She gave a slight nod, pushing her hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ears. 

"No," Tony said. "No, we don't. We thought we did, and then we got my daughter killed." 

"You can't blame yourself," Rocket told him. "We all lose people." He raised his hand towards Peter Quill. "I mean, he lost his dad. And he is still here."

Tony looked at the floor. "No offense, guys... but nothing compares to the feeling of losing your kid." He closed his eyes, and he could see you, printed the inside of his eyelids, a little girl and then a young woman. "I am nothing without her."

"That isn't true," Gamora said. 

"It is," he said. He nodded. "I'm not... I'm not surprised. I knew life without her would be pointless, but I didn't think it would come at all, a-and then, when she got this venom stuff inside of her, I thought I might at least have some time to figure out how to say goodbye to my kid, but... I didn't. She's gone." He looked at each of them. "That's why I need to confront Thanos."

"He won't care about what you have to say," Gamora said, voice sounding like a desperate plea. She crossed the floor and stopped in front of him, arms wrapped around herself. "I have seen Thanos kill children with the nod of his head, or expecting mothers without so much as a touch of remorse in his heart. He is a monster. You can't kill a god, Tony. You can't."

"He is no god. You said it yourself," Tony said, "he's a monster." He walked to the other side of the ship. 

From his chair, Quill shook his head. "I know you were trying to get some super cool, poetic thing going, but that was... that was reaching. And lame."

"Peter," Gamora hissed. She rolled her eyes and sighed, stomping over to the chair behind him. She plopped herself down and put her face in her hands. 

It felt like the end for everyone.

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