[32] Finally I Know

Comenzar desde el principio

In the field, I understand him and he understands me. We know each other move and we know what we want to do. So, as the result we win the game. We win that game. Our team victory. We shout. We scream of joy. We run to each other and group hug and jump. We are so happy that time. Finally we can prove, we are not only using our luck but our skill. And finally, I can prove to my father if I can make him proud. I hope he will proud for me. Just for once. I hope so.

P'Puen runs to me and hugs me. This is the first time he makes a move to me. At first I am too surprise to react, so I just stay. Not moving at all. Let him hugs me. When I realise about it, I can't help but smile then hug him. This moment, I wanna cherish it. A rare moment that happen to me. This is kind of miracle.

 This is kind of miracle

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"We won!"

"Yes, we won P!"

"Thank you, Than. Thank you"

I don't know why he thanks me but that smile that he puts on his face while he is thanking me, makes me don't bother of anything. His happiness, his charming smilr is the only matter for me. I am happy when he is happy. His happiness is my happiness.


Everyone is going to the bus, to put their bag and stuff. We have ten minutes before we leave and go back to school's dorm. And what I am gonna do with this free times? Of course, try to find my devil mate and tease him.

And there, I find him. He is hiding behind the wall, looking at his favorite P who is walking away with the bag in his shoulder. This boy, why he is so hard? Why can't he just show up and greet him? Tell him good job or compliment him for his work?

"He won't know if you are hiding and not say anything to him?"

"I didn't come here to see him. I came here to support you!"

"Really? Such a nice person you are but I don't buy your excuse. P'Nao was looking for you all the time"

"Really? How do you know?" His tone seems so excited and he shows the spark in his eyes. This boy can't hide his true feeling.

"You sure you weren't come to see P'Nao?"

"Do you want to die?!" He threat me as usual.

"Please don't kill my Nong. He is too young to die" Someone comes and put his arm around my shoulder, like he wants to protect me.

It is P'Sing. He looks at me then gives me his best smile. He looks at Pete and give him smile too.

"P'Sing, this is Pete. My best friend"

"So, my old school has lot of cuties now. I kind of regret moved away. Maybe I should move back"

"I am sorry, I am not available!" Pete says and it makes P'Sing laughs so hard. I can't help but smile too. So, Pete is low key admit if he is already taken. Should I wonder who has taken him? I guess not. Universe knows who is the person who he talks about.

"Now, I know why Nao is falling for you"

"Wait. You know, P?" I am so surprise he knows the thing about Pete with P'Nao. How come? I mean, he has different school with us. Does he has spy in our school?

"Nothing I don't know"

"But how?"

"Hey, stop talking about me! And why you think I have a thing with P'Nao? I am not!"

"Is he always denial like this?" I nod, "Interesting. I wonder how Nao will deal with him"

"You don't wanna know, P"

We are ignoring Pete who is seem not happy with our conversation. He glares at me but it makes P'Sing teases him more. He is so cute when he is flustered. And I am so happy he is suffering from embarrassed. Does it make me be a bad friend?

He stops tease Pete and apologize to him after that but Pete still pouting. He takes his phone and snaps a pic of Pete when he is pouting.

"I think Nao will happy to see this"

"Oh please, delete it! Don't send it to him. I beg you, P!"

"I won't send it if you do me a favor"

"What favor?"

"Please take care of this Nong of mine" He points at me, "Stay with him and cheer him up when I am not around. Can you?" He nods without hesitation. P'Sing pats his shoulder and thanks him. Then he bids goodbye to us.

"He is weird!"

"Why he wants you to take care of me?"

"Maybe he has feeling for you?" I hit his head lightly. Not so hard. Just try to make his sense back and not saying silly thing like that. There is no way P'Sing has feeling for me. Eventhough he is being nice to me, I can't feel he loves me more than a bother love.

We are walking through the coridor. Pete walks with me and he is keep teasing me about P'Singha. I am trying to endure it. No need to waste my energy to deal with him. Just let him has his happy time by teasing me.

"So, you finally open up your feeling?" I can hear P'Sing voice behind the wall. I stop Pete for walking and take a peak of where the voice comes. Pete does the same thing. We see P'Singha is standing face to face with P'Puen.

"Have you tell him about your feeling?"

"It is nothing to do with you"

"I just want you to be happy, Puen. And I don't want you to regret for not telling him about your feeling"

"Don't talk like you care. Don't talk like you know about me!"

"I know you and I do care about you"

"But you leave me just like everyone who left me!"

I try to eavesdropping everything they talk about. Pete is focusing too. We are really wanting to know about what they arr talking.

"Are they fighting over something?"

I hush Pete to shut him. We are close enough, so if we are making sound I afraid they will notice our presence. And I don't want they know about us. I want to hear more about what they are fighting for.

"I am sorry...." P'Sing apologizes to him, "I am sorry, I can't love you the way you love me"

I am shock of what I am hearing right now. I can't hear anything after that. My mind is going blank, like I can't think of anything. My ear becomes deaf. My eyes is blind. I look space out. My sense back when Pete shakes me hard.

"Than!" He calls me, "You ok?" He sounds worry.

"I...." I flustered, "P'Puen... P'Sing.... I...."


"He loves him, Pete. P'Sing, he is the one who P'Puen loves!"


Finally I can update this chapter

Hope I didn't make you wait too long

And see you in next chapter

Btw, happy fasting to all muslim people who do it 😊


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