Chapter 42

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Sophia's POV

I walked into the kitchen. Dad was there and we both stared at each other for a moment. Then we looked away. I grabbed the note off the refrigerator.

Hamburger in the fridge. Two boxes if Mac and Cheese in the cabinet

I got the stuff out and started the Mac and cheese. Dad did the hamburger. It was kind of fun to do something with him. After we finished the food we sat down and ate.

"So, how's work dad" I asked.

"Fine same as always. Marie Hill is a lady that works that and she wants me to bring you with me one time so she can met you" he said.

"That would be fun" I said.

"Yeah will have to do it some time. How's school?" he asked.

"Fine. Teachers are all nice. Have some friends. I really just hand out with Marcus.." I said and almost told him about the puppy dog stuff.

"What is it. What are you not telling me" he said.

"Nothing dad it's fine really" I said lying.

"It's just that you don't seem your happy self. And you haven't smiled your smile in awhile" he said.

"It's still me dad" I said trying not to cry.

"I know it just doesn't seem like the same girl" he said.

"I'm going to go put the food away" I said and took my bowl to the sink.

I knew if he said anther thing I would start crying. Not telling him about the puppy dog stuff was hard. I never kept something like that from him. I put the food in the fridge. Dad walked in and grabbed my hand and spun me around.

"Love you daddy" I said and stood on my tip toes and kissed his check.

"Love you too baby girl" he said with a smile.

"Movie" I said.

"Movie" he replied.

I smiled and we raced to the couch. No matter how over protective dad is I'll love him till the end if the line.

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