Chapter 7

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Natasha's POV

I was still weak for the next week. I just could get my strength back. I thing it was stress from finding out I was pregnant. Steve has gone back to the punching bags. Again I think it's stress not the dreams. He has been a little over protective but it's ok with me. That night I felt like I was doing to faint I was so weak and I didn't want to close my eyes. I roles over and tapped Steve.

"You ok angel" he said.

"I don't know I'm so weak I feel like I could pass out" I said.

"Maybe because your tired" he said.

"No it's not.." I stopped add the world when black.

Steve's POV

She past out. I got out of bed and drove her to the hospital. This time they let me back. They took some test and thing and put her in a room and I waited for the results. Natasha was still out. I held her hand and waited for her to wake up. then the doctor came in.

"Is she ok" I asked.

"Yes she's ok the baby's ok your fine. I really think why she is so weak is she hasn't been sleeping good. Weakness is defiantly caused by that. Do you notice her not sleeping well" he said.

"Om it could be me I'm up late a lot" I said.

"Well I think if you stay up try to be quiet for your wife's sake. Will keep her here till she wakes and two hours after and then your free to go" he said.

"Ok thanks" I said.

He left. A couple hours later Natasha woke up barely. I got in the hospital bed with her and held her close. She buried her head in my chest. "Its ok your fine. I got you" I said and kissed her head. She got a little closer to me. Two hours later they let her out. I carried her to the car and into the house and laid her in bed.

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