Chapter 14

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Natasha's POV

"So we have a plan but how do we get the most important piece" Jane said after an hour of making a plan to get the guys back.

"Leave that to me" I said.

"Ok so if you find her how do we no she'll agree" Megan said.

"We don't but I think she will consorting that it involves Steve" I replied.

"They must have been close" Pepper said.

"In a way you could say that" I said grabbing my coat. "Everyone stay here I won't be long."

I walked to the car and drove way. It was two hours then I saw the sign 'CAMP HALF BLOOD'. I pulled in I got some weird looks. then found a place to park and walked in to the main office.

"May I help you miss" the women said behind the counter.

"I'm looking for Raven Jackson" I said.

"Down the half make a left she in the first door on the right" she said.

"Thanks" I said and walked away.

When I got to the room I took a deep breathe and walked in. There she was sitting behind a desk typing on a laptop. Then see looked up and saw me and her mouth flew open.

"Natasha!?!" she half yelled.

"Yes I need your help" I said.

"With what I thought the avengers where over" she said and went back to typing.

"They are but the guys are missing and I need you to help me and some others find them" I said.

"Who took them" she asked and shut her laptop.

"We think Skull did it" I replied.

"What I thought we killed him with all the other villains" she said a little confused.

"That's what Steve thought and he's never wrong" I said.

"I'll grab my stuff" she said and got up from behind the desk.

We drove the two hours back catching up on stuff. When we walked in she was a little surprised at all the women.

"Raven this is Pepper Tony's wife, That Jane Thor's wife and there son Dylan, And Magen Clint's wife, and finally Brooke Bruce's daughter and his wife left him and her when she was born" I said to her.

"Hi" she said and throw her stuff down. "We do we start?"

"Right now" I said.

Steve's POV

I gave up on trying to get free. I felt a tear form in my eye. I blinked it out. 'what if I never meet my daughter, What if I'm here forever, what if when Natasha comes looking for me, Skull kills her' I thought and it made my cry a little harder. 'What if she's already dead' I thought.

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