Chapter 36

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Natasha's POV

I walked in to he kitchen and sat at the table with the boys.

"We did the right thing to tell her right?" Steve asked.

"Steve you've asked that like 50 times already and we've anwsered yes everytime. It's fine" I said.

"Is she going to find out about me to? Like the winter soldier me" Bucky asked.

"I have know idea I've not looked through that in a long time" I said.

He looked terrified at the fact that I didn't know. Steve was sitting there with his head in his hands. I rubbed his back to calm him down. Then all the sudden Sopia comes running in the room.

"This can't be right Bucky come here" she said.

Sophia's POV

I grabbd Bucky's arm and ran bck to the living room.

"Is this you? Are you the winter soldier?" I asked.

"Yes but that was because someone brain washed me" he said.

"This is one of the most confusing yet terrifing days of my life" I said.

"Sorry that the past is so confusing but there's nothing you can do to change it. But the out come was good cause you got Steve as a father out of it right" he said.

"You're absolutly right" I said.

"Are you almost finished reading?" he asked.

"Yeah I don't tink I'll read the rest though" I replied.

"Why not" he asked.

"There's something i want t do instead. Tell mom and dad I'll be back later" I said and ran out the door.

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