Chapter 5

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Natasha POV

I woke up to another crash. I tide my robe on and walked in the other room. And just like I thought he broke down more of them. I walked over to him and kissed him. He looked up at me. He cried. I hugged him and he cried harder. I can't understand why he keeps doing this. It makes no sense.

"What's going through your mind babe," I asked.

"Memories of everything. Most of them are Red Skull. I've been having nightmares about him. I can explain to you the pain I'm going through. I just want to scream. All I want to do is stand here and kill everyone of my bags and then find Skull," he said.

I took a minute to process everything he just said. I took a deep breath and looked in his eyes. "There just dreams Steve calm down there's nothing to be scared of. What your doing is what your mind wants you to. You need to stop this and let it go," I said.

He nodded. I don't know if he really heard me but I went with it and made breakfast. When I finish I had to practically drag the man out of the room. He was so stressed and tired. I could see it in his eyes. I grabbed his hand and he smiled.

Steve's POV

I got up for the table and grabbed my coat.

"Where you doing," she asked.

"For a long and quiet walk," I replied.

I kissed her and left. I walked down the street. It felt weird not having Natasha by my side but I wanted to be alone. I walked past Thor and Jane's house. They were out on the porch. I waved and they waved back. I passed by Clint and Meghan's house. They weren't outside which was strange but I kept walking. Then I got to Stark's house. Pepper and Tony were on the porch. They waved and I waved back. I climb up the steps to the porch and sat in the chair. Then I felt something hit my head and the world when black.


I was back in the room. Only this time it was white with my memories playing through. I tried to close my eyes to stop them but they wouldn't close. I yelled at the pain of the memories. Then the walls were covered with the face of Red Skull. I tried to jump against the walls to get to the door but it was like my strength went away. I felt weak and helpless. Then I could feel someone shaking me. I looked up and saw a image if Natasha next to me crying. Then the image faded and my strength came back.

End of dream

Natasha's POV

I shook Steve trying to get him to wake up. 'Please don't be dead' I thought and began to cry 'what if he is.' He woke up and I wrapped my arms around him.

"What's the fuss about," he asked.

"You.. you didn't wake up I thought you were dead. Gosh, don't you ever scare me like that," I said.

"It wasn't on purpose," he said.

"You just had me worried sick," I said.

"Let's get inside," he said.

He got up and kissed my cheek and carried me in the house. 

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