The Anti-Tay Campaign

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Tay's POV

We were still laughing after watching AAOOD.

When Jin came back, he saw us laughing hysterically because everyone in that cartoon looked so stupid.[But they looked amazing too. Thank you, Mark Parson.]

Jin was exhausted, so he went to sleep. And I was wide awake the whole night. [Get it?!!?]

All I could think was that I wasn't single anymore. [That's a lie. I was just thinking about Spongebob.]

I decided to change the topic in my mind.

I thought about the next match.

The thing, as a wrestler, I usually ask Jin to handle my things. But there is this Producer [Whom I call Mr. Producer.] ,who keeps me updated about all my matches through mail. He doesn't know who I am, but he knows how to contact me. [We're like L and Watari. No one knows how we look like. But we don't know how each other look like either.]

In the beginning of my wrestling career, I asked him to reduce all the matches I get as much as possible. So, I don't fight that much.

But the next fight was gonna be intense.

I usually sign up for one, single match. But this time, Mr. Producer made a teeny, tiny mistake and signed me up for a competition of death. [I was doomed.]

I stopped thinking about how I was gonna die soon. And tossed and turned, thinking about hot anime characters and finally drifted off to the land of dreams. [Not a dream-kill. Don't worry, guys. I either have a dream-kill or I just sleep blankly.]


It was the day I was about to leave for Taehyung's house. [I forgot whom I was going with. Oh wait, it's Taehyung.]

I hugged Jin and gave him a chocolate bar. He fake-cried, shouting how much he would miss me giving him chocolate bars. [First of all, I was going to come back home. Second of all, that little piece of BS wasn't going to miss me.]

I walked over to Jimin. It had been two weeks since we were with each other.[We did nothing those two weeks, not even kiss. We just sat on the couch and watched TV.] I gave him a slight peck on his lips and walked away, seeing him blush.

Then, Jin said," Oh no!! Jimin's got Tay germs!! We have to start and Anti-Tay Campaign!!" I just rolled my eyes at him.

And everyone else that was staring at me and Jimin, I waved them a goodbye and walked out to Taehyung's car.


All I did in the car was sleep. I did wake up every once in a while to eat or pee. But other that, neither me nor Taehyung was interested in having a conversation.

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