Truth or Dare

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Tay's POV

I said,"Ok. I'll come." And ate my food. We didn't talk after that.

After eating, I went straight to Mr. Hoseok. He said,"Come in. Tay. What do you want?"  I said,"I'm ready to tell you, sir." He nodded and signalled me to sit down. I sat down and began.

"Before I turned 7, I had a few problems. Like, these things that happened to me.. They changed me. I got angry so fast. Uncontrollable anger..

It made me mad. Especially at home. When I was 7 years old, my house caught a fire. My dad, my mom, my big brother and my younger sister d..di.. in the fire."

A tear rolled off my eye thinking of the disasters I had.

"I was the only one alive. I was in a coma for two months. Then, Jin's family took me in. You  know about Jin's parents, right?? They come for two vacations.

But after the fire incident, my anger issues went and I started having dream-kills. They're dreams of situations or imaginations I had in the past. The pain I feel in my dreams, hurt in real life too. That's why I cried during class."

He looked at me and said,"It's okay. I don't actually know what to say. You may go now."

I walked out and went home.

● ● ●

"Truth or Dare!!"I screamed.

We've been thinking about what to do for the past thirty.....minutes. We decided to watch a movie, again. But the Jhope told us to do something. I suggested eating too, but they saved it for later.

So, this is what a heartbreak feels like.

When I screamed, everyone were like,"Yeah.. We can play truth or dare. Tay, you're awesome."

Unfortunately, the only who said the last part was me.

We sat in a circle as Nam joon got a bottle. He spinned it.
Jhope- Q
Jimim- A

Jhope asked Jimin,"Truth or dare??"  He said,"Truth." Jhope told him,"You got no jams, bruh. Ok. Would you date Tay??"

I mouthed to Jhope Why me??...

Jimin said,"That's a pretty hard question. I dislike Tay to the extreme level. But she's the most different girl at school. If I am dating anyone, it would be Tay. But I dislike her to the extreme level." I sneered at him. And I said,"It's a yes or no question. Reply with yes...or no."

He looked at me. He combed his non-existent beard. He said,"No."

Nam joon spinned the bottle again.
Tay- Q
V- A

I asked,"Truth...or dare???" He said,"Truth." I asked,"Who do you crush on???" He said,"Tay......No one." I said, "Wow. That was fast. Ok."

Nam joon spinned the bottle.
Jungkook- Q
Jhope- A

Jungkook asked,"Truth or Dare?" Jhope answered,"Dare." Jungkook asked,"Why do you look like a horse??" Jhope rolled his eyes and said,"I SAID DARE!!" Jungkook smirked and said,"When you talk in a low voice, I only hear horse." Jhope walked and hit Jungkook's head.

Jungkook said," Okay. I dare you run around a mall saying 'I STOLE ALL THE POTATOES.' Jhope was like,"Ok."

We went to the mall. Jhope took a deep breath. He ran, screaming,"I STOLE ALL THE POTATOES!!" Everyone looked at him. He was like,"Hehe. Hi???" We decided to complete the dare from there.

We sat around a table. I ordered some fries while Nam joon spinned the bottle.
Namjoon- Q
Jin- A

Namjoon asked,"Truth or Dare??" Jin said,"Dare.." Namjoon smirked and said,"You have twerk and do weird things with your butt infront of McDonald's." Jin sighed and said,"I'll do it even though I don't have it." "Have what??" "The Jibooty.."

Jin went infront of McDonald's and started twerking. One  of the ladies there looked at him and whispered something to her child. It was probably,"Wow. Let's get away from these creepy dudes.." Or probably something else..

I had a dream-kill. And the dream was one of my past imaginations..

I was Tay, the daughter of Thanatos, the god of death. I was reading a diary entry of a camper at Camp- Half blood.

I meet my Doppelganger..

While walking, someone touched me from the back. I thought it was the creepy dude who tried to kiss me earlier. I turned as fast as I could. He fell down.

I was wrong. It was a 'she'.  I didn't know what she wore but she had a purple cape and had a brave look on her face. I said,"I'm so sorry.. So sorry. I thought you were someone else!!" She stared at me for a second. She said,"It's okay.." I helped her get up.

We both said at the same time.
"You look like someone!!"
We both stared at each other. I said,"You look like the girl of my dreams. Her name is Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano."  She said,"But that's my name!!" We both were stunned. She said,"You look like my girlfriend. Her name is Tay. Come on, I'll show you."

We went inside a camp. And I saw her. She looked exactly like me. She wore black jeans, black leather jacket with a black shirt and sneakers with a black design of a heart with black wings. My eyes almost went blind with all the black.

She said,"Hi. I'm Tay, short for Taylor Jean."
I said,"Hi. I'm Peter Jackwood."
We both said at the same time.

"You look GREAT, dude!!"

Jimin's POV

We were looking at Jin come  back after twerking, when we heard a sound. Tay fell down. Jin ran to her and said,"Oh no. Not here." RM said,"Should we take her to the hospital??" Jin said,"No. It's fine. Let's take her home." And he took her. We walked home and Jin put her on her bed. She woke up and screamed,"Oh my God!! Woah.. That was a weird dream. Like me.." She looked confused. She shrugged it off and said,"Why you all here?" Suga said,"You fainted halfway through our game." She muttered a sorry..

And said, looking at Jin,"That was a crazy dream."

Hoy, readers!! I hope you liked this chapter.. The dream was actually one of my imaginations..

Hehe.. I know I'm Awesome.

I'm a humongous fan of Heroes of Olympus. And I also have a crush on Reyna... But she doesn't exist. This is what a true heartbreak feels like!!

I also have a strange addiction to fish. I know. I'm crazy.

But I love you readers!!

Yours in demigodishness and all that.. Peace out!! ~A/N

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