chapter 26

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zachs pov:

where is peyton? i just went to get us some food real quickly? where could she have gone? i hope she is ok! she was seeming very confused and out of it. i need to go find her

i leave and walk around the convention center in search of my lost girlfriend. i look in every room. then i hear a sound coming from one of the darkest rooms. i decide the best idea is to go in and check. i turn on my flashlight on my phone and push the door open.

"what the fuck is going on?" i yell as i see tyler laying on top of my girlfriend. then i notice that she is only in her underwear with her dress laying on the floor. she is staring off into emptyiness. as is she had no idea what was happening. i went over and puched tyler in the jaw. i punched him hard enough to knock him right off of her.

"i told you to fucking back off! what the hell is wrong with you! you will not get away with this you son of a-" i get cut off by peyton saying "what? who is it? why are people shouting?" in a very drowsy voice.

"princess it me, zach, your boyfriend. i love you. im here to help, i just hope i got here in time. lets go"

i pick up a table cloth that was laying on the ground and wrap it around peyton. i pick up her dress and phone off the floor and quickly call sarah to come help. she shows up very quickly.

"what is going on" she says

"ill explain later, i need you to carrry peyton, she cant walk on her own" i say. i carry the dress and phone and sadly since i am on crutches sarah has to carry poor confuzed, drugged peyton. i quickly call a cab. and we all get in. i wish i could have carried peyton, so i could have saved her.

when we get back to the hotel room i thank sarah. i cant even begin to explain how much i appreciate her help. she asks me for an explination of whats going on

"i dont need a thank you, i just need an explination." she pleads

"ok heres what i know, tyler came up and talked to peyton, in that short time he put something in her drink, drugging her. then when i went to go get snacks... i never should have left her!"

sarah interupts me "its not your fault! now what else happened"

"he must have convinced her to go with him. she is too confuzed to know better. he was finally about to get his way, his obsession with making peyton his was about to happen, he was trying to rape her... but i found her just in time and i think we saved her."

sarah had no words. she just stood there in shock. she looked over at peyton, who was now totally passed out on the bed where we had layed her down. and walked over to give her a hug.

"im just glad we found her" sarah said. "take care of her zach"

and with that sarah left. i want to find peyton some clothes, so i start going through her bag. im not sure what to grab so instead i go to my bag. i grab an extra shirt i had brought. its an old cheer athletics shirt. i sit her up and put the shirt on her. i dont even care about seeing her without clothes, im just glad she is safe. i cant believe anyone would try to hurt her

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