chapter 13

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peytons pov:

i love how he think he is so funny. i guess i have half way forgivin him so far, mostly because i am honestly curious about what he has planned.

before i could even finsih my thought zach literaly picked me up and carried me to the car.

"ok then... i guess thats how this is gonna work haha" i say

"yeah i kinda wanted to make sure you would come so i just put you in the car myself, i hope you dont mind" he responded. i didnt mind, but i didnt want him to think i had totaly forgivien him yet... i haad to keep at least a little bit of an attitude.

the whole drive i was looking out the window trying to figure out where i was going. just as i started to think i had an idea, he pulled over and said "im sorry but i gotta put this blindfold on you now" as he carefully put it on me making sure not to mess up my hair. we started to drive more, then i felt the car stop and park, my door opened and i felt him pick me up and place me standing on the ground.

"can i take this off yet?" i asked

"no be pacient, here hold my hand and walk carefully, and dont be too loud." he said

welll now im confused. im taken through a door, woah i smell bread sticks with butter, i love those. then i bump into a table and i start laughing

"sorry princess" zach says.

then he stops me,

"ok babe, im gonna help you sit down, ok now take off the blind fold."

"omg baby, did you really do this?" i ask

"yes, and theres more too but first lets eat."

we were at my favorite italian resturant. i love this place. i told zach about it like a month ago... im suprised he remembered. "so i was right? i did smell breadsticks" i sadi while laughing. i took a bite while waiting for him to say something. after the silense i said "so zach, can you tell me what you wanted to say yet?"

We Can Make itDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora