chapter 5

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Peyton's pov:

so I wake up and invite some of my friends from cheetahs last year to come over while we wait for the call. after everyone arrived, me, Sarah, Matt and Lauren decide to go on my trampoline and wait for our calls, sadly Zach couldn't come over...

Sarah was the first one to get her call, she made wildcats! I knew she would.

then Matt gets his call, he looked shocked... he turns around "I made wildcats."

wow I wasn't expecting that one!

him and Sarah look at each other and start to celebrate the fact that they both made the same team.

Caroline got her call, cheetahs.

then my phone begins to ring!

(phone call)

"can I speak to Peyton Mabry please?"

"this is her"

"alright, this is coach James, are you ready to hear what team you made?"

"yeah! please tell me now before I explode!"

"well we wouldn't want that, we need you in one piece to compete with your new team... CHEETAHS"

"omg omg did u say cheetahs? thanks you so much!"

"yes, we saw your minor bobble on tumbling but you are a good athlete with great potential, you will be a great fit on cheetahs"

"once again thank you so much! bye"

(end of phone call)


I was so excited, I immediately called Zach, he made cheetahs too! omg this is perfect!

Lauren got her call, she made pumas, but she did mess up her running tumbling so it makes sense. but no offense I was too excited for myself to be sad for her!

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