Start from the beginning

I feel to the ground and my back hit a wooden counter. My hands undusted themselves and pused myself up to stand so I could finally know where the hell I was kidnapped to. But as I rose, a gloved hand pulled me back down from my shoulder. I banged back to the ground obviously not at ease.

"Okay that is it kidnapper, you took me through a portal and now you wont let me..." Words got stuck as I noticed it was Trystann whom had done all of these and she was right next to me. "stand up" I finished shyly and untypicall.

Trystann sniggered to me with his blue eyes and soft lips.

"I am getting out of here" I told him. He shook his nead and mouthed "no" to me. This time I thought standing up and looking for Queen Thyrzza was the best idea for I had left her disrespectfully and without notice, also that she didn't get to finish her stpry and I am ever curious. But It seemed like a stupid idea as Trystann tackled me back down to my knees behind the counter.

"What are you... doing!?" I asked him as he gripped my arms and is now on top of my shoulders. Silence was given as response.

"Trystann would. You. Let. Me. Go!" I said. bet he shook his head. I sighed and felt my back ache as I was still on my knees but trystann was on my shoulder. "Not if you don't promise to not leave" he said in condition. for a few seconds I thought about what he meant. It was like a puzzle, theres enough nots and donts to make him confusing. I gave him a weird confused face as my face itself made my eyebrows closer together and knotted my forehead.

"Just don't go anywhere" he tried to explain then sighed as if he was thinking I couldn't understand anything. Well I guess it would've been easier if he said that instead. "Alright. Alright!" I responded and he let me go. I pushed him away from my shoulders and I sat properly.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him. "We need to fix something" he said and looked forward to explain more but I cut him out. " No, you need to fix it, stop including me Trystann." I declined. Cause its obviously not with me.

"I'm not including you, you're obviously included" he explained to me. But as much as I wanted to try and help him, I had better plans. "No, no. I have to finish with Queen Thyrzza, she was just about to tell me the reason until you dragged me to a portal" I said. He looked utterly surprised with what he heard. "tell you the reason of what?" he asked calmly. He closened his face to mine waiting for a response. " nothing, lets just get this done what do you want?" I asked him. He glanced out of the counter.

"Remember when I erased Helius' memory?" He asked. " Oh you mean hen you killed him to flames?" I asked sarcastically. But he singed his finger and shushed me. " No, okay, fine, alright! When I burnt him alive. Well hes back now, and I have a feeling he'll wpnder who you are and realized that I erased him out. Sp thats kind of danger. But heres the plan, we'll go there, and then we'll talk to him, lure him into believing that you've been here for years and that hes totally out of his mind" He explained
But I was so incontent. Top much to not give a response that would make him change his mind.

" That literally spells out Suck Plan" I said and giggled.

"Thats rude, and what will we do if not that?" He asked me.

At that time I did not have an idea at all. not at all. but words just came out of my mouth as if my brain hasits own mind, well, it is a mind though.

" Just distract him and Ill do something." I spilled out. Word vomit, Unexpected news, Whatever. I didn't knew what I meant or what I was gonna do but I had a feeling that it was right and that I have to do it.

"What?" He asked me in doubt. I'd say that it's sad that he doubts me. "Just trust me!" I yelled. But it didnt seem to work for him. He mouthed no. As in no. It was quite positive that he meant no. "Come on lets go!" I said and I pulled him out of the counter. He was in disagree but as he lost control and bumped into Helius' feet while I walked slowly and naturally behind them nearby the door of the parlor.

"Astra? What you doing laying on the ground boy?" Heluis asked him with a concernedface and voice. I completely forgot his name here was Ass tra. Sorry I mean Astra. Its almost like ashtray though. He looked so troubled as the stood up from the ground, fixed his clothes and mumbeled. " I uhh, it's... Well, uhm, Im glad to see you!" He responded.

I moved to the other door to get a better view on them and an easier walk nearer.

"As I am to see you too" he replied and smiled at Trystann. Then he glanced at me so I signaled a just-keep-distracting signal to him.

"Uhh, well did you see the other..." Trystamns words faded off as if I was slowly deafened or maybe, I was just too focused at the moment. I mooved my boot forward and walked slowly and quietly trying tp vibe in with the crowd at the parlor, I looked straight to helius as if he were a target. Well, maybe he is.

Him and Trystann Has some random conversation that looked interesting enough. Still, I have no idea of what Im about to do but I seemed so focused so trustworthy of my own.

Things slowed down as I was exactly behind helius and my hands suddenly had a mind of its on moving rythmically around Helius' head, I was shocked when a cream-like whisp came out of my hands as it moved around. Then my brain focused on the idea, the purpose, for him to know me. Then it stopped. My fingers came back to my pockets and.I randomly stepped beside Trystann and snapped.


After that, Heluis was completely different.

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