Sun: wear being chased by a big robot and THE FANG HUNTER!

Ruby: what no?!

Sun: the Torch wick guy is back and Fang hunter's with him.

Yang: where are you guys?

we jump past Yang and Neptune with Roman chasing after us in his mech.

Neptune: I think that was them-

Yang: ya I got it.

Fang Hunters pov

that certainly got them running. running back to her team. I saw there little fight with Roman. I have to say Roman doesn't care about anyone's safety. destroying a highway killing people, this guy has no end. now it's my turn.

no ones pov

Weiss: looks like are night went off with a bang.

Yang: no, just no. There's a time and a place for that but not no- Blake get behind us!

Blake looks at Yang in confusion as a bullet zooms past her cheek. Ruby, Wiss and Yang ready there weapons. Blake looks behind her and her eyes widen as Fang Hunter stands twenty feet away from them.

Fang Hunter: hello Blake. How ya doing?

Ruby: what do you want!?

Fang Hunter crosses his arms and put his left pointer finger on the chin of his mask.

Fang Hunter: one you have a Faunus. Two she was a part of the White Fang and three, I kill White Fang. It was really a match made in Heaven 

Weiss: you wont lay a finger on her.

Fang Hunter: oh. My. God. Your defending a Faunus!? Never thought I'd see the day.

Fang Hunter pulls the hammer of his Revolver.

Fang Hunter: now you three can leave or you can all... DIE! your choice really.

Yang: you're not going anywhere near my friend.

Fang Hunter: how about this, I either kill her. Or I kill Devan.

Ruby: w-wh-what do you mean!?

Fang Hunter rases his left hand and in it is a detonator. Blake and Ruby aim there guns at him, in response he leans over and laughs.

Yang: stop laughing!  

Yang activates her Semblance and charges at Fang Hunter, he moves to the side dodging her punch and simultaneously kneeing her in the gut. She falls to the ground holding it in pain, Yang try's to get up only for Fang Hunter to step on the back of her head.

Fang Hunter: Infamous told me a lot about you four. Yang you always throw a right hook when you fight, try to spice things up next time. Final fucken warning! I kill Blake or I kill Yang and Dev-

A bullet goes through Fang Hunters hand destroying the detonator. He looks at Rubys smoking barrel and points his Revolver at her, Blake lands in front of him and grabs his hand. She uses her Semblance to make a ice copy of her self. Fang Hunter grunts in pain as her copy freeze his hand. He lets some pressure off his foot this give Yang a chance to sweep his other leg, she turns her body and points her shotgun gauntlets right at his face.

Fang Hunter: oh crap.

Two shots go off sending Fang Hunter flying back, he puts his legs behind him braising him self. He lands on the ground and looks up. His mask is cracked open over his right green eye with a Scar to the right of it.

Fang Hunter: well that's un fortunate.

Weiss: I knew it.

Blake: D-Devan?

Fang Hunter: *shrugs* what gave it away?

Yang stands up and looks at Fang Hunter with fire burning in her eyes.

Yang: take that stupid mask off now! Before I take it off for you.

Rubys pov 

as Fang Hunter takes his mask off my heart sinks when I see Devan with some blood sliding down the side of his face. my body freezes as my team gets ready to fight, Devan takes off his gloves while red lighting swarms them in the proses. I try to do something, anything. but nothing. the thought of my friends my, my family fighting each other... the only thing my body does is fall to its knees as my team and Devan charge at one another. as they strike him and he strikes them all the memory's of us flash through my head like a speeding bullet, us laughing at a funny joke or everyone helping each other with work or are training. I want to stop this, the fighting, the anger. all of it... 

my thoughts are cut off by Yang and Blake landing to the right and left of me. there Auras pulsing rapidly as Weiss lands in front of me, in the same state as Yang and Blake. I look up to see Devan standing ten feet away from me with there weapons on the ground. he walks towards me with anger in his eyes. I summon all my strength and stand up to face him with my Scythe in hand, I take a few steps getting in front of my friends. 

Ruby: y-you don't h-have to do t-this... please. I care abo-         

Devan: STOP!...DONT ACT LIKE YOU CARE! you never have. If you would've cared, you would have gotten the hint that I loved you! 

I drop my Scythe as tears start to form in both are eyes, I see in to his green eyes as electrified tears slide down his cheek. I see Devan ready a punch, before he can throw it a use my Semblance to get in front of him.

his eyes widen as are lips connect, he try's to push me away but I hold on to him with all my strength. After a few seconds blue and red lighting slowly starts to go around his hole body. Are lips separate and he pushes me away, not in a aggressive way but in a protective one.

He takes a few steps back grabbing his head as the lightning gets more and more aggressive. It gets to the point where it starts shooting out his back, the lightning starts to turn silver. He falls to his knees still grabbing his head screaming in pain. After a few seconds the lightning fads away and he slowly falls to the ground. I ketch him and rest his head on my lap. 

Ruby: everything will be okay. I promise.

My Team walks over to me and looks at Devan unconscious. 

Yang: nice job Ruby, now the authorities can deal with him.

Weiss: exactly.

Blake: Ruby... *looks down* I hate to say it but. He has killed Faunus and Humans.

Ruby: but it wasn't hi-

Yang: Ruby! I know you love him bu-

Ozpin: Yang Enough! Learn to control that temper of yours, before it controls you. Devan will come back to Beacon, I will explain everything there.

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