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Devans pov

after I punched the mirror Ruby's team came walking thru the door, they saw me standing in front of half a mirror with the other half on the ground. all I'm going to say is it was more awkward for me then it was for them. hell I had to think of something so I told them I slipped and hit the mirror. surprisingly Ruby, Weiss and Blake believed me but... I could tell Yang wasn't buying it. it felt like she had her eyes on me the hole night. Ruby told me what happened at Forever falls and that Jaune finally defended him self from Cardin. I'm proud of him... cant say the same thing for my self though. right now I'm working on the RFI, Yang and Ruby are playing video games, Blake is reading some of her books. and Weiss well she's studding... like always. 

Devan: okay I got the Power Coil... and the Relay Converter... what am I missing? oh right that.

Ruby walks up to Devan's desk and hops on it to the left if him, she looks at his left hand bandaged up. she looks at Devan and gives him a concerned look and wonders why he doesn't heal it with some lightning.  

Ruby: how's your hand?

Devan looks down to his left hand bandaged up and chuckles nervously whale looking at Ruby.

Devan: it's nothing, like I said I slipped and hit the mirror. 

Ruby: I hope it feels better soon. 

Ruby puts her hand on Devans and gives him a small smile. Devan returns it but a blush starts to form around both there cheeks, Ruby lets go and Yang chuckles. 

Ruby: a-anyway what are you looking for?

Devan: u-um *snaps finger* oh right a Power Regulator.    

Ruby: what does that do?

Devan: *looks thro the blueprint* here it is, "if use with out Power Regulator the user will just burn it up leaving it useless" 

Yang turns around on the couch and rest her left arm hanging over the side and looks at Ruby and Devan.

Yang: so, what your saying is if you use it with out the Regulator you'll destroy it.

Devan: yep. basically.

Blake lowers her book and looks in Devans direction before looking back at her book

Blake: that thing sounds fragile. 

Devan: you can say that again.

Blake: that thing sounds fragile.

Weiss: is it almost done?

Devan has a face of shock and excitement as he puts his hand on his cheeks 

Devan: oh my god! Yang, am I Schneeing things? she's actually talking to me!?  

Weiss gives Devan a face of disgust as she gets back to her studies. Yang and Ruby give a light chuckle, Yang tosses Devan a Scroll. he ketches it and gives Yang a confused look.

Yang: you've been working on that thing all night, come play a few games with me and Ruby. 

Devan: hmm I don't know...

Ruby: oh come on please!? 

Ruby gives Devan the biggest puppy dog eyes she can give him. Devan looks away from her and sighs and groans before looking back to her, he nods his head and Ruby jumps with excitement. she uses her semblance to rush her and Devan to the couch. Yang starts up one of her fighting games, Devan cracks his knuckles and leans forward ready to play.  

Coles pov.

it's been four months since Cindy teleported him, her and Kuo away from me. my men almost have Kuo and Cindy's location but not his. it's like he just left the Earth in entirely, I figure he would go back to Canada but my men are still searching. 

General: why do you keep sending my men to Canada?

Cole: he was conceived there. he's more Canadian then I am American. probably why he's so damn nice. 

General: I wouldn't call him nice, he can kill a lot of my men with out even trying. bastard almost killed me but why Canada?

Cole looks at the General and walks over to the screen he's looking at.  

Cole: believe me it wasn't planned, I was turning Canadians in to Conduits when Kuo got in to labour with him.

General: I see, but why all the radars in Canada just to find him and why send my son? 

Cole: I didn't he went there him self to see his mom. well that's what he told me. 

General: cant you find him with the Beast?

Cole: *sigh in anger* for some reason I cant. 

General: then is he off world? 

Cole walks away from the screen and walks to a window and looks out of it.

Cole: if he is then I'll need my best hunter for the job when we do find where he is thro Cindy. 

General: shall I get him to come here right away?

Cole: no. not till we find Cindy. let him enjoy his hunting session. 

General: understood.  

Cole: when I find Cindy and Kuo, you cant hide from me forever. 

no ones pov

team RWBY is sleeping in there beds the sent of food goes in the room as Devan opens the door slowly, he pushes a trolley of food in the room and closes the door quietly. he pulls out a whistle and his phone to see what the time is. he puts the whistle to his lips and raises his hand and put three fingers up, two fingers then one finger. he blows the whistle everyone jumps up from there beds and looks at Devan.


Yang: w-what's that smell?  

Weiss: I was having my beauty sleep!   

Ruby: hey you copied me! 

Blake: what is wro- *sniffs* fish? 

Devan: remember when I said I would cook you all breakfast? *they all nod* 

in a dramatic fashion Devan moves to the side of the trolley and points his arms to it.  on it is fish, pancakes, fancy food and stake. all there eyes widen and drool somewhat.  

Yang: when did you make all that!? 

Devan: umm... this morning. 

Weiss checks her Scroll the time says eight thirty, she looks at her team and then to Devan.

Weiss: when did you wake up?

Devan: five...

Blake jumps from her bed and runs over to the food so quick she spins Devan around. the rest of Team RWBY gets off there beds and walks over to the food, Devan eventually stops spinning and shakes his head. he looks to Team RWBY getting food and gives them a small smile before rubbing the back of his neck and walks to his desk and continues to work on the RFI. they see this and all look to each other, a plate of food is put down to the left of Devan making him turn his head. 

Ruby: it wont feel right if you didn't join us. 

he smiles and nods his head and picks up the plate of food and walks to the center of the room and sits down with them as they all enjoy the food Devan made.   

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