V1 Players And The Pieces

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Ruby' pov

Ruby and Weiss are in a tornado of fathers arguing at each other. 

Weiss: I told you this was a terrible idea!

Ruby: we're fine! stop worrying!

Weiss: I am so far beyond worrying!

Ruby: in a good way?!

Weiss: in a bad way in a vary bad way!

Ruby: well, why don't we just jump?!

Weiss: what are you insane

Ruby already jumped. 

Weiss: oh, you insufferable little-!

Yang: Blake did you hear that what should we-*Blake points up*  

Ruby: heads uppppp!

Devan's pov.

Devan: RUBY! 

Devan jumps off the Dragons stomach and runs to the edge of the cliff there on. he put his hands around his mouth.

Devan: USE YOUR SEMBLANCE!! she cant hear me.  

Devan jumps off the cliff leaving the Dragon in his Arc Restraint. he closes his eyes and focuses on her, with a crack of lightning he ketches Ruby in mid air. he sees some trees so he turns around facing his back to them colliding with them. after hitting serval of them he land on his back with Ruby landing on his chest.  

Devan: Ruby you okay? ... Ruby. 

Devan looks down to her and sees she's not moving. he rolls over and looks at Ruby on the ground. 

don't be dead please don't be dead, oh god no, no, no ,no. I see if I can feel her pols with my hand, I put my finger on her neck trying to find a pols. I find one and I sigh in relief.  Ruby opens her eyes and sees me looking at her, I hug her making her and me blushe.  

Devan: I thought you died.

Ruby: why would you think that?

Devan: I thought you- ... never mind, nga. 

Devan rolls over on his  back and grabs his side, he looks down to his hand a sees a stick stabbed in his stomach.  

Ruby: oh no, are you okay!? 

Devan: ya, ya I'll be fine it mist my Liver so that's good.   

Ruby: what can I do to help!?

Devan: do you have any fire dust? if you do hand me some.

Ruby grabs some dust. Devan points to the stick, Ruby puts the Dust on the wound making Devan grunt in pain. 

Devan: you gonna want to look away for this. 

Ruby: o-okay. 

Ruby turns her head as Devan pulls the stick from his stomach with his right hand he send some electricity thro the dust igniting it. 

Devan: ANGFFFFF- fugy.

Devan slowly stands up as he dusts him self off, Ruby stands up and ketches him before he falls. she raps one of his arms around her shoulder.

Devan: thank you Ruby. 

Ruby: *blushes* y-your welcome. 

Blake: did your sister fall from the sky? and who saved her.

Nora and Ren are talking to each other, but when Nora sees the relics she zooms over to them. 

Nora:*stops at a castle relic* I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle.

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