V1 Ceremony

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(Ruby's pov)

me and Jaune follow Devan to the entrance of Beacon. Devan didn't say anything he just kept walking. we eventually or well he eventually find where everyone else is. Yang finds us and walks over.

Yang: hay Devan I don't think I entre- *he walks past her*... ok.

Ruby: ... see you later Jaune. 

Jaune: oh. ok bye.

Jaune walks away slowly with a girl looking at him.

Yang: so how's your first day going little sis?

Ruby: you ditched me. Shortly after I exploded so did Devan.

Yang: yikes meltdown already.

Ruby: no, I literally exploded. there was a big hole and everything. 

Yang: Are you being sarcastic?

Ruby: I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage! she yelled at me, I sneezed, I exploded, and then she yelled again. then Devan sneezed making another explosion scaring the both of us. she screamed some more.  then Devan called her Ice Queen witch was funny. 

Weiss: where is he!?  

oh no is she looking for Devan? what did he do now? He's been gone for a minute. 

Weiss: where is he!?

Yang: where is who?

Weiss *points at Ruby* her BOYFRIEND! 

Ruby: h-h-h-h-his not my b-b-b-b-boyfriend. 

Yang: he walked past me as soon as they walked in.

Weiss huffs and hands Ruby a slip of paper that has information on it.

Ruby: what's this?

Weiss: the Schnee dust company is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee dust company product althoughnotmandatory,theschneefamilyhighlyencouragestheircustomersto.

Ruby: uhhh.

Weiss: you really want to start making things up to me?

Devan's pov.

Devan: can you stop talking for five minutes, please?

Ruby, Yang and Weiss turn around and see Devan walking up to them. He looks at Yang and puts his hand out.

Devan: sorry for walking past you like that. I was a little mad. My name is Macgrath Devan Macgrath.

Yang: Yang, Nice to meet you. don't worry about it. 

Yang takes Devans hand and they do a firm handshake. 

Devan: you see Wiess. that's how you introduce yourself. 

Weiss: just read this. and my name is Weiss, not Wiess.

Devan: read what?

Ruby: this.

Ruby hands Devan the slip of paper. he takes it and looks at it shortly after he rips it up letting it fall to the ground.

Devan: boring.  

Yang: look uh... it sounds like you three got off on the wrong foot! Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?

Devan: that sounds like a good idea. I'm willing to do it if Ruby is.

Ruby: yeah great idea sis!, Hello Weiss I'm Ruby! and this is Devan. want to hang out? we could go shopping for school supplies!

Weiss: Ya and we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys like tall, blonde, and scraggly over there!

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