V1 Boost Of Confidence

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Devan's pov

Devan is sitting on a chair looking at the blueprints for the RFI. Every now and then he takes quick glances at the watch, the small arm is still at the first blue line. He puts the blueprint down and leans back in his chair looking at the watch. Before he could do anything someone knocks on the door.

Devan: it's open.

Pyrrha and Ren walk in the room, Devan turns around in his chair and looks at the two of them.

Devan: hey you two. What's up?

Pyrrha: we came to ask you a question.

Devan: ok... what's up?

Ren: do you know what's wrong with Jaune?

Devan: no why? what's up?

Devan stands up and walks over to Pyrrha and Ren.

Pyrrha: he is showing up late to the dorm, and when we have homework to do he always has extra work. he says he asks for it but I don't think so. do you think you could ask him what's up I tried but to no avail.

Devan: hmm, I'll see what I can do.

Ren: were we interrupting something?

Devan: *looks at his desk* no, nothing at all.

Pyrrha: ok well I hope you can figure out what's going on. see you later.

Ren: later Devan.

Pyrrha and Ren leave the room and close the door leaving Devan alone. He turns around and walks to his desk, he looks at the RFI blueprints. He sits down on his chair and looks under the top of his desk and looks at the hidden panel, he sighs and rests his back on the chair and rubs his eyes. he looks at the window and shakes his head in anger as he stands up...

later that day Devan is slowly walking to his dorm as he cracks his back. he hears Ruby and Jaune talking out side of his dorm. he waits around the corner waiting for them to stop talking.

Jaune: I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea.*slides down the door* I'm a failure.

Ruby: nope.

jaune: nope?

Ruby: you're a leader now, Jaune. you're not allowed to be a failure.

Jaune: bu-

Ruby: your a leader you don't have time to be a failure.

Jaune: your not easy talking about this stuff.

Ruby: nope. maybe you were a failure when you were a kid. *Jaune slides down the door* maybe you might've even been a failure the first day we met. * Jaune slides down the door even more*but you can't be one now. you know why?

Jaune: ah becau-

Ruby: because it's not just about you anymore you've got a team now, Jaune. we both do. and if we fail, then we'll just be bringing them down with us. we have to put our teammates first, and ourselves second. your a good leader and your team knows that. good night Jaune.

Jaune: thanks for that, good night. 

 Ruby walks in to her dorm and Jaune stands up feeling better about him self. before he can walk in his dorm he gets a call from his Scroll. he answers it and Cardin starts to talk.

Cardin: hey! it's your buddy Cardin. I know you're probably busy with the dust project I gave you, buuut I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag of Rapier Wasps. and ma-.

Devan grabs Jauns Scroll and ends the call and lookeds at him with a tired face. 

Jaune: can I have my scroll back?

Devan: not till you tell me what's goin on. and don't lie to me I'm in a bad mood. 

Jaune: ok, ok after Ruby, Nora and Ren found you and brought you to the infirmary I went to the roof and Pyrrha followed me. she asked me if I wanted help in training, I declined and told her I don't belong here. and after that I told her that I got my hands on some fake papers and then Cardin herder me.

Devan: *sighs* okay, one here's your Scroll back *hands Jaunes Scroll back* two don't say that about your self, three let Pyrrha train you. it will be worth it. the best fighter in all of Beacon, come on you have to be a idiot to pass that up. look Jaune all I'm saying is don't let some fake papers hold you back.

Jaune: thanks Devan, I also needed that.   

I stair at Jaune and he smiles as I smile and nod my head back to him. he walks in his dorm and I walk to my dorm door and crack my back again ignoring the pain of doing it. I open the door and walk in side, I turn around and slowly close the door and lean my four head against it. I turn around and see Team RWBY sleeping. at least they had a good day... I hope. I slowly walk to the bathroom but I wake up Weiss making her mad. she gives me a angry stair but I ignore her and make it to the door. I look at her and with a tired tone I say "sorry"  and walk in the bathroom. I lean on the door and slide down it, I lock the door with my left hand and look to the watch. the arm is still at the first blue spot but it's more to the right. I stand up and walk to the shower... 

????: no! stop please! I give up!

????: I said everything I know! please stop! I have a family!

????: I promise I'll give up this life please! 

Devan opens his eyes and sits up in quick succession. looks around and sees a note on his desk, he picks it up. 

Devan: "we went to Forever Falls with the rest of Goodwitches class. we couldn't wake you up so we left you to sleep. see you when we get back. Ruby" lovely, ... fuck.

Infamous: we sure had fun last night.  

Devan didn't respond instead he walked in to the bathroom and looked him self in the mirror with a tired face. Infamous takes the left side of Devans reflection making Devan look at him. he clenches his fist and with full force he punches the mirror shattering it. the fallen pieces of the mirror show Infamouses reflection, a small bit of black is in one of his veins in the back of Devans neck.       

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