V1 The Strays

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no ones pov.

Devan is hunched down with his hands on his desk looking at a hologram from his phone. The hologram is of the fight he and Pyrrha had yesterday. Devan hits the pause button on his phone, the hologram stops and he sees him self hunched down with the lightning scythes, dragon wings and lightning shooting out of his eyes.

Infamous: damn we look good.

Devan: ...

Infamous: again with the silent treatment? We would have lost if I didn't take over!

Devan: I would have gladly lost then you taking over. 

Devan stands up turning his phone off and walks to the bathroom, he shuts the door partially and walks to the mirror. He turns the cold water valve and splashes some water in his face. After that he looks to his desk then back to the mirror...

Later that night someone in all black clothing is crouching down on a building. Two Faunus are guarding the door to a Wearhouse.

Faunus: how much Dust do you think we have all ready?

Faunus 2: your guess is as good as mine. You know how strict that human is.

Faunus: you can say that again... hello?

The Faunus turns his head and gets punched in the face cracking his mask... in side the Wearhouse several Faunus are moving Dust in to boxes. most of them are heavily armored walking around.

Faunus 1: I'm so bored.

Faunus 2: would you rather be guarding the front door?

Faunus 1: ...

Faunus 2: go check on those morons.

The Faunus sighs in anger as he walks over to the door. As he gets closer some light can be seen protruding from the door being open some what. He readies his rifle and slowly walks to the door. As he opens it someone grabs the Faunus trigger arm...

Faunus 1: hey you dead or just being a dick? ... hello?


Faunus 4: no! Stop please! I give up! 

Faunus 5: no! just leave me alone! 

Faunus 1 can hear a snapping sound coming from above him. he looks up and sees a Faunus is hanging by a noose, he starts to take steps back but bumps in to someone...

Ruby's pov in the morning.

We all get woken up by Weiss about the Vytal Festival. We all get dressed and leave to the cafeteria and get breakfast, when we get back to are dorm we see Devan still sleeping. We walk over to him and see his head is on a empty plate. Yang claps her hands making him jolt up with enough force to push his chair back. He falls down and sees Team RWBY looking at him.

Devan: how may I help you girls today?

Yang: we thought you would want to come with us to the docks.

Devan: *gets up* why? for what?

Weiss: the Vytal Festival. a festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! there will be dances, parades, and a tournament!

Devan: oh, ya sure. Just give me five minutes.

Weiss: hurry!

Ruby: ok, we'll be in the Cafeteria.

Devan: ok see you in five.

Team RWBY walks to the cafeteria and waits about 5 to 7minuts for him. Weiss taps the table vigorously as she waits impatiently. before she is about to get up Devan walks thru the doors scratching the back if his neck.

RWBY: Electric RoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora