V1 The Emerald Forest P2

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with Ozpin and Glynda

Ozpin and Glynda are standing on Beacon cliff.

Glynda: our last pair has been formed, sir, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. poor boy. I can't possibly imagine those two gettings along, still, he's probably better off than Ms.Nikos.

Ozpin: Hmm

Glynda: I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat. But then theirs this Devan boy I don't know who he is, he has no files no nothing, no parents, sisters, or brothers. he just should up two days ago. 

Glynda looks down on her screen and sees Devan fighting a Dragon whale talking in a thunderstorm. 

Glynda: He has no aura but he has a semblance, with everyone else's progress they should reach the temple within just a few minutes. I dote Devan will pass, I don't know what you see in him? speaking of which what did you use as Relics this year?... Ozpin?

Ozpin: so far what that man said about him is true, is he the one? 

with Weiss and Ruby.

Weiss: it's definitely this way.*stops walks in the other direction* I mean... this way! it's definitely this way. *stops in front of Ruby* Alright, it's official, we passed it!

Ruby: Why can't you admit that you have no idea where we're going?

Weiss: because I know exactly where we're going! we're going to... the forest temple!

Ruby: ugh

Weiss Oh, stop it! you don't know where we are either!

Ruby: well at least I'm not pretending like I know everything!

Weiss: what is that supposed to mean?

Ruby: you're a big stupid jerk and I hate you!

Weiss: ugh! just keep moving.

Ruby:*imitating Weiss* oh, just keep moving hurry up wah, watch where you're going! Why are you so bossy? 

Weiss: I'm not bossy! don't say things like that.

Ruby: stop treating me like a kid!

Weiss: stop acting like a kid!

Ruby: well stop acting like your perfect!

Weiss: I'm not perfect! not yet, but I'm still leagues better than you.

with Devan

Devan is breathing heavily as he and the Dragon staring at each other. he has lightning slowly going around him. the Dragon swings her left claw at Devan, he duct sunder her strike only for him to get hit with her tail knocking him over. she puts one of her paws on Devan, her claws just missing his head. 

Devan: come on give up, I got you right where I want you! *struggles* 

Dragon: I have high hopes for you Devan, how did you defeat the Beast but have so much trouble with me? I thought you were strong, even with the power I unlocked for you, you still can't beat me? *applies force* fight back, stop struggling and fight! be the worrier you're meant to be! the protector you need to be, for Ruby's sack.

Devan: w-what are you talking about!?

Dragon: if you don't start fighting back then I will have no choice, I'll kill her. 

Devan grabs the two claws on the left and right side of his head, he grips them hard enough to crack the two claws.   

with yang and Blake

Yang and Blake walk up to an old ruin and look at the Relics. 

Yang: you think this is it? 

Blake: chess pieces?

Yang: some of them are missing, looks like we weren't the first ones here, *looks at the last Relic* hay that's a lightning bolt.

Blake: probably for that blue-haired guy, I guess we should pick one.

with Jaune and Pyrrha

Jaune and Pyrrha are standing in front of a cave as Jaune makes a seamy good torch. 

Jaune:  you think this is it?

Pyrrha: I'm not sure this is it...

Me: *sighs* Pyrrha I made the torch could you at least humour me for maybe 5 more feet? *trips and drops the torch in water* ow.

Pyrrha: do you feel that?

Jaune: soul-crushing regret? 

Pyrrha: no it's... warm.

with Yang and Blake

Yang: how about a cute little pony?

Blake: Sure.

Yang: That wasn't too hard.

Blake: well, it's not like this place was that hard to find.

With Jaune and Pyrrha

Jaune and Pyrrha are walking around the cave and they see a glowing stone, Jaune reaches for it but it moves, he tries to grab it again but it keeps moving until Jaune grabs it. 

Jaune: gotcha!

Pyrrha: Jaune...

the face of a Deathstalker face glows in the darkness, Jaune screams like a little girl  

Jaune:  Ahhh! why!? Ahhh! Pyrrha! Ahhhh! Pyrrha! This is not the relic! it's not! Ahhh! do something!

Pyrrha: Jaune! whatever you do, don't let-*Grimm throws Jaune*... go. 

looks at the Deathstalker and runs away.

with Yang and Blake

Yang: Blake, did you hear that? what should we do?

Ruby: heads upppp!

with Devan

Devan is standing on the Dragons' chest, all of the Dragon's arms are restrained to the ground.  

Dragon: I didn't know you could do this. 

Devan: it's called Arc Restraint, you won't be able to move for a while. took me a while to figure out how to use it.  

Dragon:  so your powers work off your emotions. 

Devan: ya, you could say that. now you're going to tell me everything you know about me... everything! 

Dragon: I'll tell you when we meet again, but for now you need to look behind you. 

Devan: I'm not falling for th-

Ruby: heads upppp! 

Devan turns around and sees Ruby falling, without warning the Dragon breaks free of one of the restraints and puts one of her claws on Devans back and surges lightning through his body. she shows him an image of him teleporting from one spot to another. lightning from both of his hands connects with each other as he looks at her.

Devan: why would you give me something else?   

Dragon: I gave you a choice, get the answers you want or save Ruby? times running out, what are you going to be the villain and get what you want or the hero she needs. 

Devan looks at the dragon then looks at Ruby's fall. he looks at his hands and back at Ruby.

Devan: fuck.   

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