V1 A New World

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Little girls pov

I wake up on the floor of my house. how did I get here? ... I remember waking up beside the power grid... and then hearing a voice. "you kill because you want to. I kill because I have to" that's the last thing I hear then I'm in my house. I-it was just a dream. they're not dead... right?

she starts to walk around her house calling out to her parents. she finally makes it to the living room and sees the boy who saved her. tears start to stream down her face and she falls on her knees crying in her hands. a knock on the door was heard and she turns her head slightly.

Kuo: it's me Cindy please open the door.

Cindy slowly walks over to the door and opens it slowly when she sees Kuo she quickly opens the door and hugs Kuo. Kuo hugs Cindy back. about a minute later they both hear the sound of glass breaking. Kuo picks up Cindy and walks inside closing the door.

Devans pov one minute earlier.

Devan groans in pain and grabs his head as he sits up. he shakes his head and looks around. he sits down on the couch properly and rests his left arm on his leg whale grabbing his head with his right.

how did I get here? think Devan, sigh I was fighting my fathe-... the Beast and I got hit with one of his energy balls and then a black thing overwhelmed my body. my head is killing me.

Devan looks around and sees a bathroom. he walks over to the door and walks in closing it. his eyes open wide as he sees himself in the mirror.

Cole: "sooner or later you'll look like me and guess what. I'm going to love it HAHAHAHA"

not knowing it Devan punches the mirror with full force shattering the mirror. Kuo opens the door and sees Devan looking at himself with half the mirror on the ground shuddered.

Devan: *quietly* I look like my father.

Kuo puts her hand on his shoulder straddling him making him turn his head.

Kuo: you're not like him.

Devan looks at the mirror and then back at Kuo in quick succession. realizing what he did.

Devan: I-I-I'll pay for that.

Kuo bare hugs Devan nocking all the air out of him.

Kuo: I thought I lost you.

Devan: Mom I'm a Macgrath it takes a lot to kill us. I gave it all I had and I barely managed to stall him.

Kuo: I saw your shoulder bag destroyed on the ground and I got worried. I planned ahead of time and packed you a new Shoulder Bag.

Kuo hands Devan a brown Shoulder Bag. he takes it and looks inside it. he pulls out a destroyed mettle ball.

Devan: what is this?

Kuo: It's called the RFI, I can't go into details but there's a paper and blueprints telling you what that is.

Cindy walks up to Kuo and hides behind her leg poking her head out slightly.

Cindy: are you two going?

Kuo: no Devan is. *turns to Cindy* I need you to try and open a portal again. you need to send Devan far away from here.

Cindy: what if I cant?

Kuo: you need to try.

Cindy: but what if I do something wrong?

Devan puts the destroyed RFI in his Shoulder Bag and puts it on and kneels in front of Cindy, he gives her a light smile.

Devan: if you can manage to teleport me and you here, I know you can do just me. *looks around* hmm ok. try to teleport the TV remote in my hand.

Cindy: I'll try.

Devan: do or do not. there is no try.

Cindy closes her eyes and focuses on the TV remote and Devan's hand a small black portal appears on top of Devan's hand. it disappears and the remote is there.

Cindy: did I do it?

Devan: ha, did you do it? *turns the TV on* you did it. and you thought you couldn't do it... how do you feel?

Cindy: fine. why?

Devan: the first time I used my powers I... kind of passed out. *rubs the back of his head*

Kuo: do you think you could do that for Devan.

Cindy: I'll tr- I'll do it!

Kuo: that's the spirit. ok, op-

Devan and Cindy grab their head in pain. Kuo kneels to try and help Cindy whale Devan struggles to walk to a window and looks outside to see the Beast slowly walking up to Cindy's house.

Beast: did you really think that would kill me !? you must be dumber than I thought.

Devan: Cindy! open the portal! I'll keep him busy!

Kuos pov

Kuo: Devan no!

Devan gets pulled through the window and Kuo runs to see what's happening. sees the Beast holding Devan in his gravitational pull. Devan is shooting lightning rockets at the Beast.


I look at Cindy and then back at Devan. even though he has no chance of hurting him or killing him he still gives it one hundred percent. I need to help Cindy now. I take one more look at Devan punching the Beast in the face knocking him back a little. I run over to Cindy and kneel down. Cindy is still grabbing her head in pain.

Kuo: you need to focus.

Cindy: I can't it hurts too much.

Kuo: I know it does but Devan is giving us some time so you can do it.

Beast: Cindyyyyy just stop you know you cant do it. You're just wasting Devans time.

Cindy: I can't get him out of my head.


Devan gets thrown into the living room destroying everything. he looks at me and Cindy and raises his right arm. me and Cindy walk over to him and we see the destroyed TV remote.

Devan: *in pain* you can do this. I-I believe in you.

Cindy nods and puts both of her hands on his right hand and a black glow comes off it. the Beasts hand comes down to grab at them but as the black glow surrounds them they despair.

???? pov.

????: this is where he said the kid would appear *sigh* if it takes any longer than I'm leaving...

a black glow comes out of nowhere and Devan falls to the ground the man walks over to Devan and looks at him. the man pulls out a Flask and takes a swig from it.

????: dame he was telling the truth.

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