V2 Guardian

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Devan's pov.

It's almost been a year since I saw Summers grave... but ever since then my Ice powers have grown, I still can't use my lightning for some reason though... still helping as many people and Faunus as I can. Camping out in the forests waiting for any Grimm... I'm so tired, trying to stay awake. The only thing driving me now is getting back to the future. I'm camped up near a old barn, but when I look at the barn I feel like I should remember it for some reason.

Devan looks at the fire hunched over looking at his robot arm. A few twigs snap getting his attention, he looks to the path way leading to the barn and his eyes widen as he remembers what Yang said in her story.

Grimm start coming out of the barn in packs, with out hesitatin Devan pulls his hood up covering his face.

He jumps from the trees and flicks his arms to the side. Two ice blade form over his forearms as he lands in front Yang and Ruby.

Devan: fight someone your on size.

He turns his head slightly giving Yang a smile before facing the dozens of Grimm standing in front of him.

Devan charges at the Grimm with a pillar of ice lunching him up. He hits the ground with dozens of ice shards protruding from the ground stabbing all the Grimm around him.

He sees some Grimm making there way to Yang and Ruby, trying to find a way around the Grimm surrounding him he thinks of a idea.

Cold steam surround his hand as he slams them to the ground. Ice shards shoot up from the ground killing all the Grimm near the two girls.

One Grimm bites Devans robot arm cosing him to scream in pain. With one quick punch to the face the body of the Grimm flops to the side while twitching.

Devan brakes his hand free from the ice spike embedded in the Grimm's skull. It evaporates to dust with it Teeth stuck in his robot arm.

He stands up and walks to the two girls. He kneels down and look at them.

Devan: you two okay? ... Are you two hurt? ... are you two hungry?

All Devan gets is a nod a head shake and a nod. He takes his shoulder bag off and opens it. He hands Yang a sandwich and place one beside Ruby.

He puts his bag back on and stands up.

Devan: I need to get you two home. *looks at Yang* can you please help me get you home?

Yang: a-are you a H-huntsman?

Devan: y-yes. Don't worry I'm here to help.

Devans pov.

Yang gave me the derection of where she walk over here, we followed her instructions until she couldn't walk anymore from being to tired. Understanding this I pick her up and put her in the wagon with Ruby.
About a hour or so later I found the house, surprisingly it was unlocked. I put both the girls in their beds then went down stars to pull the teeth out of my arm.

Devan puts his right hand on the counter and trys to pull out the teeth in with pliers. Trying to hold back the grunt of pain as he slowly pulls out a teeth.

After taking the second one of the six that are in his arm he stops to ketch his breath. Oil and blood mixing on the counter as his right forearm shakes do to the pain.

Devan: *grouns* why didn't I disconnect the pain sensors when i had the chance?

????: a-are you okay? T-that's a lot of blood.

Devan truns his head and sees Ruby standing ten feet behind him rubbing her eyes?

Devan: y-you should be in *grunts* bed.

Ruby: I was worried about you. I saw you get hurt by that Grimm.

Devan sighs and looks at his bag.

Devan: you want to help me ya?

Ruby nodes her head so Devan points to his bag.

Devan: get me a pain killer from the smallest pocket and maybe I'll show you something cool. Okay?

Ruby happily hops to the bag and opens the smallest pocket, she hands Devan a pain killer then sits down on a chair.

He takes the pain killers and goes to town on his arm, twenty minutes go by as Devan pulls the last one out.

He sighs in relief as he bandages up his forearm. He cleans the counter as best as he can and throws the teeth away. Ruby still sitting down happly humming to her self.

Devan: you still want to see something cool?

Ruby nods in excitement, Devan walks to the door and point to the window.

I stand out side as the wind plows against my trench coat, cold steam comes off my left hand as i bring my right hand to it. I slowly pull my right hand away from my left and with one quick swip and some spines around my body, I stab the end of a ice Crescent Rose in the ground. Under my hood I can see Ruby with stars in her eyes, I let go of the Scythe cosing it to crack apart. Not even making it to the door it flys open with Ruby looking at me.

Ruby: can you please teach me Guardian!?

Devan: Guardian?

Ruby does some chopping and kicking motions.

Ruby: ya! the way you came from the tree's and fought off those Grimm! It's like you were a Guardian Angel!

Devan: if I agree to teach you. Will you go to bed?

Ruby nods up and down in excitement. Devan kneels down and looks at Ruby.

Devan: Okay, I'll teach you what i know but you need to go to bed. Deal?

Ruby lifts a hand with her pinky up.

Ruby: pinky promise?

Devan connects his pinky with hers.

Devan: pinky promise.

As Ruby runs up stairs to her room I get a feeling in my gut that I'm going to... stay in the past for a little while longer. Hmm... I hope the future dosen't change from me being here for a little longer.

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