Chapter 1:

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"Let me out"the young blonde women, who is not older than nineteen said pulling at the door which is locked tight,"I'm very sorry Princess but we got orders from you're mother not to let you out. I'm sorry again"said the guard outside the white double doors. Neos groaned,"Oh you will be sorry when I get my hands on you..... after I find a way out of here but you will be sorry",Neos walks to her Super king sized bed and collapsed on to it.She played with her long blonde hair, deep in thought,How can I get out of this marriage .Neos Princess of Arad Alama was is set to marry Prince Dimitri of Southern Isle.He was biggest douche you can find, she was so deep in thought Neos doesn't notice her bedroom door open."Neos, my dear what's wrong" a soft voice spoke up, Neo's stood to face her mother and gave her are you serious look," I don't know maybe that I'm locked in my room or that I have to marry Prince Douche bag of Douche bag Isle." Her mother let out a sigh,"Neo's, I know this is hard, I felt the same way when I married your father and if I didn't marry him you would have never been born love" she sat down beside her and put a piece of blond hair behind her ear."Get ready my love it will start soon, the Avengers are going to arrive soon", Neos lifted an eyebrow,"The Avengers?", Neo's mother turned around,"Of course, they are making sure that nothing bad is going to happen." She kissed Neo's cheek and left the room.

"Nero's the Party will start soon, are you ready?" a tall brunette said to the taller long brunette headed man, who was looking out the window," he turned around facing the brunette,"Of course Kane, get your brother. Today Arad Alama while be mine"

"You look gorgeous, my love" Neo's mother said, as she entered the ball room, she bowed "Thank you mother" she looked around,"Where are The Avengers, Mother"her mother was about to answer, when a male voice came through,"We are here Princess" Captain America said bowing a front of the royals,"Thank you for letting us protect your engagement party",he said giving her small smile which she returned. Neo's mother and Captain America started an conversation but Neo's didn't pay attention to it, her attention was on a brunette which hair was to his shoulder, he was tall and had icy blue eyes,he had also a metal arm,"That's the Winter Soldier" a voice came from behind her, which made Neo's jump,"I'm sorry Princess. I didn't mean to scare you" Neo's turned around to see a beautiful red head with blueish green eyes, Black widow , Neo's thought,"It's alright, I was just deep in thought and please call me Neo's. I don't like being called Princess", she gave Black Widow a small smile, which she returned,"So who is the lucky one you are going to marry, Neo's","Prince Dimitri of the southern Isle" she sighed which makes Black Widow giving her a concerned looks,"What's wrong?","It's just.... I don't love him" a tear escaped her eyes, Black Widow wiped her tear,"I'm sorry" Neo's shakes her head,"It's not your fault, Black Widow","Please call me Natasha","Thank you for being so kind to me but I have to find my fiance"Natasha nodded.

Neo's looked around to find Dimitri and found him flirting with a platinum blond,"Dimitri!" Neo's shouting catching the attention of the young Prince."Neo's my love, how are you"he kissed her hand, Neo's ripped her hand of his grip and rolls her eyes."Are you serious, you just flirted with that girl over there. I know this arranged and you are last person I want to marry but we have to to. I'm going to become the Queen of two Kingdoms and you are becoming King. Just please treat the whole situation with Respect" Dimitri rolled his grey eyes,"What ever you say" with that he walked away. Dimitri wasn't the easiest person to talk to or has the best personality, but Neo's is doing it for her mother, she can't rule the Kingdom any more mostly after her husbands death, she is giving the crown to Neo's but the the rules say she has to be married to take the throne.The only person who is close to her age is Dimitri and he is becoming King soon because his father is getting too old. So they where the perfect match. At least that what there parents say.

Suddenly aloud crash and screaming can be heard. Neos turns around to see her cousin Nero and military soldiers came in and shooting people left and right. Neos looked around for her mother pushing through guest who where trying to escape,"MOTHER!" Neos screamed but she didn't receive answer.Avengers where fighting some of the military, dead bodies every where. "Hello there Princess" a soldier grabbed her by the forearm,"Get of me!" she tried to free her self from his grip but failed the soldier dragged her to the exist until a shield hit him and knocked him out coldly, Neos gasped and jumped back a bit,"Princess, are you okay?"Captain America asked, Neos nods her head,"Pleas call me Neos", Captain America smiled,"Steve", Steve grabbed her arm and dragged her to a helicopter but Neos freed herself from his grip and stopped,"We can't leave my mother is still in there" she was about to run back but blocked by Steve,"You can't go in there, Winter Soldier... Bucky is getting her and bringing her to the headquarters but we need to go" Neos hesitated,"What about you're friends? What about Natasha?" Steve rubbed his head,"They will be fine, they are trained for stuff like this. Now come on"He grabbed her hand and ran to the helicopter. Neos went in first with Steve following, Neos looked out the window seeing her home being destroyed by her own cousin.

Katerina(Neos mom) ran through the palace looking behind her seeing if her nephew Nero is close.She was to busy looking behind her not noticing Kaine standing a front of her. She ran into his chest,"Who do we have here, our favorite Queen" he grabbed her arm and pulled her into a room,"Nero's, I have her" Kaine let go of her arm,"Good, now leave that's between me and my beloved Aunt Katerina, help Kol to get Neos" Kaine nodded and left."Why are you doing this Nero?" she asked, Nero's walked over to her and faced her. He toward over her tiny frame,"Because I had enough off your family. I want to become King and that only works when all the Alam's are dead." he yelled making Katerina jump,"Did I scare you? Oh I'm sorry" He came closer and Katerina took a couple steps back."I'm going to let you on a little secret" He again came closer and she took some back,"You know the Hunting trip, our beloved King Stephan took, five years ago which he never came back from" Katerina nodded and Nero's took a step forward which resulted Katerina hitting the wall."Well ...." Katerina shakes her head,"No, you didn't" tears streamed down her face. Nero nodded a sick smile plaster on his face,"You know Katerina, you were a great Queen but everything has to come to an end or? When the twins come with you're precious Neos. The Alam line will finally end"Katerina had enough and grabbed the knife he had in his pocket and stabbed him in the shoulder. Nero's growled,"You bitch" and smacked Katerina and she fell to the floor. Nero's took the knife out his shoulder,"You know, I didn't want to kill you. No I would just have thrown you in prison but know you signed your and Neos dead contract" He crouched before her and stabbed her into the belly, Katerina cried out in pain. The door swung open to reviling the twins,"Neos escape with Captain America and the Winter Soldier is heading this way".Nero's turned around," Unfortunately we have to part ways, don't worry I'm going to find Neos and you two and your husband will be reunited" he than walked out the door leaving Katerina to bleed to death.After couple of minutes the door swung open to show the Winter Soldier, he kneels beside her," I'm sorry, I suppose to be here sooner"he gave her an apologetic look, Katerina send him a kind smile before coughing up blood,"He is coming after Neos, you have to protected her and take Nero's out" Bucky nodded,"Of course. I protect her with my life" Katerina tried to take of her necklace but was to weak, Bucky notice it and took it off for her. He tried giving it to her but she stopped him,"No, give it to Neos" Bucky nodded and put in his pocket."Thank you. Tell her that I will be watching over her" Katerina said before taking her last breath. Bucky closed her eyes and made his way to the others.

A/N Hey hoped you like this story. Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes. What first impression are you getting from my characters

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