"Hey, it was the past. You need to clear that guilt from your heart or your just gonna make it worst. I knew you had psychopathic tendencies." she said holding my face with her small hands. I nodded as she softly kissed my lips. I didn't do anything but let her.

Megan, fucking, kissed me.

She pulled away and looked at me with a horrific look on my face. "I am so sorry. Brenda's gonna hate me for this."

I don't want her to lose another one of her best-friends, so what I thought was for the best. "We can't tell her."

"Clark we can't just not tell her because then she'll find out through someone else."

"I know, I don't want her to be hurt again by me. You know what happened last time? We broke up 'temporary' and I don't want it to be permanent."

"I should just tell her myself since you want to snoop, but you're right. This will never happen again and we will not talk about it at all." she said. I nodded.

"I'm begging you to not say anything. Don't act different or suspicious." I said. I'm such a bad person. 


Brenda POV;

"She wasn't the best woman in the world but she loved you more than you know it. I have to stop the drugs or else I'll be right here with her." my dad said touching my mother's cold, dead hand.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?"

"Why would you guys start the drugs in the first place?"

"Well, as you know Jerry," I cringed at the name. "His father and mother are both on drugs; hell, even Jerry is. We had a small work gathering awhile ago and he pulled me over and told me what he used and how it helped his work. I being a jackass started the drugs, then your mother discovered and tried them out. She just couldn't stop taking them."

I ignored the text I got and continued to listen.

"That night you came home with that boy, was the night we ran out of all the pills that we could use. We were throwing a small party for you because of your academics. We got your report card a week and a half ago,  but it didn't turn out. Your mother became more addicted to the drugs that night than I ever was."

"How long have you been doing these drugs?" I asked looking at my mother's pale face.

"Over a few weeks. I'm sorry." he said walking out the morgue area. The woman in here with us covered my mother's face back up with the blanket and told me I had to leave. I did so and checked my text, telling me that Clark and Megan were here with the McDonalds.

I walked out the morgue and went back the way I came, seeing the two a seat apart in the waiting room. I came and hugged Clark first before hugging Megan.

"How was it?" Megs asked.

I shrugged. "I thought I was gonna die just seeing her, but I just felt relieved. Relieved that my dad told me the truth."

"Do you want to eat in the car? Your sandwich is still warm." Clark asked. I kissed his cheek and nodded as we all walked back to my car outside. I decided to sit in the backseat this time and eat as Megan sat in the front seat. The entire car was scarily quiet until we got to Megan's house and dropped her off; she said goodbye and went into her huge home.

Clark made his way to my house until I told him to stop the car a few blocks til' my house. He did and came to the backseat with me when I asked him to. I wanted him to assure me that everything was gonna be alright and that he'll stay with me forever, but I felt like he was sheltering something.

I took off his shirt as we both kissed at the same pace before reaching to his pants buckle. He stopped my hands and held them in his before kissing me again. Did he not want to do it? I pulled my hands away and maneuvered back where I wanted them to be until he stopped them again.

"Brenda stop." he mumbled. I moved my lips and sat up to look at him.

"Why Clark? Don't you want this?" I asked.

"Of course I do, I just can't."


"I don't have a condom in the car and you need to get home, it's late." he said putting his shirt back on and getting in the front seat. He put his seatbelt back on and drove onward to my house. He's hiding something and I don't like it one bit. 

You can test people and tell when their lying, and that's exactly what I did with Clark. If he wasn't lying, he would've been more than happy in having sex in the car for the first time.

When he stopped, I grabbed my bag and hopped out the car as he yelled my name. I'm pissed that he's hiding something from me and don't feel like talking to the little shithead. I took my keys and unlocked the door quickly, coming inside, and locking it back. I ran upstairs and went to bed without even kicking my shoes off.


See you next week guys !

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