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"Babe, please answer your phone. This is like the sixth voicemail in 10 minutes and I really want to talk to you and straighten what happened up. I'm sorry, I didn't do anything. I love you." I said ending the voicemail to Brenda's phone. 

I searched for her during lunch earlier today but couldn't find her. After the day was over, I came back home to call her because I doubted that she wanted to see my face. I set my phone on the other side of my bed, wishing Brenda was there instead.

I got up and went downstairs for a drink.

After the incident at home, mom slapped the papers on Chancellor and they're working on getting a divorce. I'm staying with her until I graduate. 

I downed my capri sun as someone knocked on the front door; I stared at it before they knocked again, then lazily walked to it. If it's not Brenda, I don't care. It was Megan. How'd she get my adress?

"Don't worry how I know where you live. We need to talk." she said. I invited her in.


Brenda POV;

I wandered around the house not sure what to do today. Days when you don't have anything to do, or homework, made you wonder if you had a life outside of school. No one was home, just me, myself, and I. 

I walked into my parents room leaving the door open and looked around for any sign of crazy in the room. I went through their closet and looked under the bed to see anything out of the ordinary. The only thing I saw was a dildo under my 'mother's' side of the bed and some lotion to 'enhance sexual desires'. I mentally threw up because trust me, I didn't need to see any of that.

I walked inside of their large bathroom and smelt something illegal. Like drugs for say. If they're on drugs, I don't know what to do anymore. I saw a drawer that had a lock on it and tried to pull it off; no luck. I then began to feel on top of the door for a key which I still haven't found. I felt all around their bathtub and around the toilet but still no damn clue. I picked up their toothbrush holder and discovered what I guessed was the key.

I quickly ran back to the drawer and opened it, staring at cocaine and other substances I wasn't familiar with. I picked up a tube of pills and read what the label said. Halcion; it looked as though prescribed. I picked up a smaller bag which had a label 'heroin'. I sat them back down and closed the drawer, locking it in the process. I put the key back and left their room, closing the door, and breathing heavily. My parents were on drugs.

Drugs that could possibly kill them and cause violence between them and this household.


Clark Gonzales POV;

Megan explained pretty much what she thought of me in curse words I'd never even heard before. She punched me in my chest and told me how horrible I was. I heard her out though and explained everything that's been going on. 

To how Scotty slept with Kylie, the incident between Jerry and Brenda, and my parents. Unlike others, she believed each word I said truthfully.

"All I have to say Clark, is that you're stupid as hell for not rushing after her then and there. She didn't want to talk to you at all but you should've made her listen. You hid photos of Kylie's naked ass on your phone, like come on Clark, are you that fucking stupid? You used to be at the top of the class and our star-quarterback. You ruined yourself for hiding so much." she ended. 

I closed the front door and put my head against it thinking. Should I see Brenda right now? I should but I'm scared of what she'll say. 

Will she believe what Kylie showed her or will she trust me? I decided that it'd be best if I talked to her face-to-face. I drove over to her home and walked to her front door slowly, ringing the bell. She opened the door slow before she completely opened it, hugging me and crying. But why? 

Maybe I Like Her [Interracial(B.1/2)]Where stories live. Discover now