The sobs that rack my body are deep and hurt. Breathing was difficult, but honestly I didn't care anymore.


We were now sitting on the couch, afgan wrapped around me, blood still sticking to everything from the top of my hair to the heels of my feet. Well my father moved us to the couch, I held on as tight as I could and never wanted to let go.

"What happened with Kohen, and the packs?" I say some time later.

"Audrey, we really shouldn't get into that yet. You look miserable as it is, and covered in blood. Why are you covered in blood?"

I tell him what happened in the last few days, then start to tell him what happened after I left. I told him what happened for the 3 years of my life that none of us would ever get back.

"Well you should go get cleaned up and clothed. We have a lot to talk about with Kiser and Kohen." I run to my room, grabbing the first things I could find in my drawers, and then turn the shower on.

It takes me an hour and a half to finally be free of all the blood that lingered on me. That or I just never fully felt clean. I don't know.

"You sure do know how to make a mess." My father calls from down the hall. "This is going to be a hard one to clean and cover up. Didn't he have a job?"

"Yeah he was a contractor. We would be at on site jobs for months. I was here more then I was on site, but for the first like year, we would be together on site." I said reminiscing, with a slight smile on my face.

Okay I know what you're thinking. He was a monster, he kidnapped you. Stole your memories. But I let some of that happen. I could have fought more, blah blah blah.

I spent 3 years of my life, most of the first year questioning it, with a man I thought I loved. And to be honest, maybe I was starting to. Or maybe I did. I know that doesn't change the fact that he was a monster who kidnapped me, and destroyed my memories. But still living with someone that long....

Good memories did occur.

"Oh." He must have seen my face. I shake my head, getting the thoughts out of my head. "Soo."

"This has officially become awkward. So earlier, before you kicked my door down, you said something that has me thinking. You knew Kiser?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, so you and Kiser used to be best friends." If I had been drinking something I would have spit it out.

"What?! That explains a lot actually." I mumble the last part to myself. Although that doesn't mean he didn't hear it though.

"Why do you say that?" I push myself off the wall walking into the blood covered room grabbing a frame off the bookshelf to the right of the room.

It was a picture of little Kiser, and baby me. The smile on his face looked like he was on top of the world, he couldn't be happier. He wasn't looking up at the camera, he was looking down at me.

"He was eight years old here, and I wanna believe you were five months old." He comments.

"Yeah that's what he said." I told him.

"I get it now. Basically what happened was he was jealous." He said to him self. It was as if it were a simple answer all along.

"What? Seriously?!? He hurt me over and over again because he was jealous??!!?!" I wanted to yell, scream, punch a wall or two. "What kind of person does that?!"

"A person who was in love with a girl who didn't share the same feelings." He whispered.

"What?" I was on the verge of tears, I wanted nothing more then to cry.

"You were actually mates, he found out when he was sixteen and you were eight. It was his first shift, you wanted to come because like I said, you were best friends." I remember that day.


He had run up to little me once he shifted back to human. He said it had been painful but bareable.

"Its cold out here let's go inside Kiser." Little me complained. Instead of saying anything he just picked me up, causing me to giggle.

"Are ya still cold now?" He asked me in a laugh.

"Yes!" I squeal out as he starts to tickle me. "Stop!!"

"Do you love me?" He says it in a joking manner.

"Of course I love you, you're my best friend." Little me said in a high voice, still being tickled. "Please stop!"

"Okay." He stops tickling me and gives me a big wet kiss on the cheek.

"Eeww. Thats gross, Kiser." I complain, wiping my face off on his shirt. All fun and games aside I was still freezing my butt off. The shiver that ran through me was evident to that.

"Okay okay, let's get you inside." He gave way. "My warmth doesn't seem to be enough to match to this cold." I stick my tounge out at him. I stick my hands in his shirt sleeves he shivers at the action.

"See your cold too!" Little did I know, it wasn't the cold that made him shiver. The sparks that came with the mate bond were ignited in that second. Causing the boy who had been my best friend to change his perspective of our friendship to something more.

Not something that made it wrong and twisted. Not like he wanted a physical relationship with an eight year old. Just, he would love this little girl forever.


I was crying. That night was the night he changed, and no not just into a wolf, but he became more protective, and possessive, stubborn and hardheaded. As an eight year old that was too much for me and I pulled away from him.

That must have set him off on such a destructive path.

"I killed him. Not just once but twice. I killed my best friend twice, and now I'll never know why anything happened. He should have just told me, he should have came back and told me we were mates, everything would have been fine right now!!" I yell crying into the couch.

"His mate wanted nothing to do with him anymore." My father says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"How was eight year old me supposed to know that? All I knew was that the guy I thought was my best friend left me. Even before he even physically left." The tears have subsided, the tear streaks down my face and puffy eyes were the only thing that had any evidence that I was crying.

"You weren't. Well eventually you were, but you were eight and he was sixteen, he was the one who thought about that. Everyone knew something was bound to happen between you two. Thick as thieves. I just didn't think he would take it as far as killing you in your sleep."

"Well he never hurt me while I was here. Actually anytime I would get hurt he would baby me for a few days til I healed, growling about saying he was a terrible mate and all. At the time I had no idea what that meant, but it's clear now." I said.

"I bet you're ready to go home."

Where was home?

Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now