Chapter 7

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I get up and pack up my things before taking my map and schedule out of my bag and walking out of the room not even looking up. And that was my mistake.

Four days, still school and bad boys, classes on the other side of the world from my locker, and me being unobservent later.

On the plus side I actually might have made a friend. Shocker.


Looking up from my place on the floor I was tangled with not one, not two, but three bodies. I had stormed out of the room in a hurry to the next class that I didn't even see the people who were right outside the door.

Go figure. People were standing right outside the freaking door. Fucking awesome.

But no it couldn't be some random ass strangers I had yet to in counter, it had to be wolf/guy (who I really needed to figure out a different name for) and most likely his Beta, and 3rd. I really wouldn't be surprised if I was right.

I mean everyone has read at least one werewolf book in their life. And if they haven't they need to start. Like right now.

I'll throw the book at them if they like. Or refuse to read one. It'll be stuck with them.

I'm going off topic, and it's turning violent.

I was still trying to untangle myself from the pack. Get it because they're wolfs. Never mind. This untangling thing just wasn't working out the way it was supposed to.

'Where's the detangler spray when you need some.' I get some weird looks from the 3 boys that I'm tangled up with.

"Did I say that out loud?" I get nods from all of them. I really wanted to face palm but I didn't have time for that. I've already memorized the map and knew that if I didn't move and get on my way that I was going to be late for my second class of the day.

Finally after an agonizing minute of being stuck between 3 guys (it wasn't as fun as it sounded.) I was finally able to get up grab my bag and try to make my way to my next class. It was somewhere down stairs and that's all I've gathered so far.

All I had to do was make it down stairs without another issue make it to class preferably on time and not late and than do that the rest of the day.

I also needed to get a different locker because the one I have now was on the opposite side of campuses to not one, not 2 but all of my classes.

Who gives you a locker as far away as possible from all of your classes? Like what kind of bitch does that shit?

I wasn't going to comment on that right away saying as how if it was a bad day for me I would probably do something like that too.

I actually managed to make it to class on time, and with out much difficulty. It just so happens that there weren't assigned seats in this class so the teacher just told me to sit where ever. Which wasn't all its cracked up to be. Everyone had there seats already placed out. What happens if someone else was already in this seat.

'Gasp!' It's not like I would really care much but you know, I don't have any friends or anything to support me when I meet my down fall in this place.

'Well there's that wolf/guy.'

'We really need to find out a new name for him.' I think back to myself.

It wasn't like I wanted to talk back to myself but my subconscious had a point. We did need to find a new name for him. Most likely the best name for him would be his real name, but whatever happens happens.

I was blanking out on this class. It was government. I've taken government already.

'Who made up this schedule? I've literally gone through almost all of these classes before. And passed with flying colors might I add.' I think to myself.

The bell, after what felt like hours, finally rang and I was able to get out of there.

I wasn't going to waste my time in yet another class I've already taken, so instead I did something risky. It's called skipping.

Okay so it wasn't all that risky, and it was probably one of the things I've over looked in the case of bad things to do, but you know, who cares.

Cops. Cops care.

Anyways. I wasn't really going to skip, well I was but that's not the point. I make my way over to the main office for hopefully the last time in at least a few weeks.

"Who's someone I can talk to about this?" The lady at the front desk with the cool name looks up.

"Excuse me?" She looks at me kind of in a funny manner. At least it's funny to me because she seems to be trying to hard to glare at me. I swear I wasn't trying to sound mean. It just kinda came out.

"This schedule. I've taken all of these classes before, I don't think you're supposed to take classes over again if you've passed them." I hand her my schedule. She looks from me to my schedule. And then again. And then again.

This happens a few more times before I let out a long sigh pulling her from whatever trance she was in.

"Than maybe you shouldn't be in this school." She said with a sarcastic tone. "The senior guidance counselors are over to your left and down the hall. Go see Mrs. Whitlock. She can help you with whatever it is you need."

Well not only was she rude to me, but she just brushed me off like she didn't just look at me like I was crazy for have already taken care of core classes.

I walk down the corridor to where the lady had sent me. It wasn't that long, maybe only 3 or 4 offices down this way than a turn in the hall going to the left.

I walk to the office that said Mrs. Whitlock, and opened the door.

"Hello there dear, what can I help you with?" She asks when I come in and sit down.

"This schedule. I've taken almost all of these classes before and passed them, and I'd rather not take them again." I tell her.

"Alright well let's see what we can do about that." This lady was nice. Probably the nicest person I've met here so far.

We got to work on remaking my schedule.

Four days, new schedule, and not thinking about a certain someone. It was great. No seriously, it was bliss.


Sorry about it being late guys.
This is unedited so please don't judge.. well no judge cause I love feedback whether it be good or bad.

Hope yall like the chapter!

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