Chapter 43

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"So nice of you to finally join us."


I was walking through the woods minding my own business when I broke through the trees.

I wasn't a bad person nor should I have this karma on me but I did. And so when out of nowhere a car pulls up in front of me and a guy jumps out I don't think too much of it. Until I'm being stuffed into the back of the car.

They put a cloth over my face. I don't breathe in. I held my breath fighting the whole time. I still wasn't breathing. I didn't know how I was holding my breath this long. Like honestly, normally by now the kidnappee would have had to breath in at some point.

My throat started to close up on me from lack of breath. On accident I took a small breath through my nose. It was so small that there was no way in hell it would knock me out.

But it did.

When I woke up I was laying down on a really comfy couch. There was a blanket over top of me and an unopened water bottle on the side table. There wasn't much to the room. There was a flat screen TV the was on the wall, the wall was a lavender color. There was hard wood floors that seems too dark to match those light colored walls. There was a coffee table in front of the couch that held a remote, which I assume belongs with the TV.

There was the side table, with the water bottle. It also had a lamp and a bottle of ibuprofen on it.

I grabbed the water and pills because the headache that just pushed it's self on me was outrageous. This is why you don't drug a person. The bottle of pills only had 3 tablets in it. Maybe so that I couldn't over dose and kill myself. Who knows.

Anyways, once the pills were downed I decided that I was gonna go look around. Be the curious cat that I was.

When I got to the door I expected it to be locked, but it wasn't. I opened the door slowly and exited the room with some mad ninja skills. I walked down the hallway making sure my feet don't make a single noise.

Next thing I know I'm at another door. This one was locked, but on the plus side I had my handy dandy Bobby pin to save the day. I managed to get the door open soundlessly, it took some begging on my part but it worked. I push that door open too. It led outside.

When I peered out that door it looked like I was on some construction site. People were everywhere. There were giant steel bars, the kind you see going in to skyscrapers, also some giant things of wood, there was glass and equipment everywhere.

The one guy that didn't look like he belonged here was wearing a suit. A black suit. One that would definitely be dirty by the end of his day because of the amount of sand and dust in the air and on the ground.

Just then he looked up and our eyes met. He didn't look mad or anything, just curious. He turned back to the people he had been talking to, said a few things, shook some hands and then started towards me. I was too caught in his eyes. I wanted to move, to run, and my head was screaming at me to do just that. But my feet wouldn't move. My body wouldn't move. I was frozen just staring into his eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing out of bed?" He asks as if he's known me his whole life. He goes to push a strand of hair out of my face. I could feel it, I was caught on my bottom lip flying into my face every time the wind blew. His hand skimmed the side of my face. It caused a tingle sensation to follow that trail. My eyes fluttered shut on there own accord.

Then my body sways a little and I feel arms wrapped around me. My eyes still shut I feel myself getting picked up and carried back into the cool a/c of the building I was in. My eye slowly start to open once the door gets shut.

"You can put me down now." I tell him.
"I know." He said it with so much confidence that that alone had me shut up. I didn't really know what to say honestly, like what do you say to someone you feel as if you've known forever, but we're actually just kidnapped by?

My feelings were everywhere. "What am I doing here? Why did you kidnap me?"

"I didn't kidnap you, you live here Maylynn." His tone made me look into his eyes. They had anger swirling deep inside. His arms around me tightened in the slightest. "At least for now while I'm on this job."

"My name isn't Maylynn." Which was true, my name is Audrey. At least I was pretty sure that was my name. "And when I woke up I was on the couch."

"Your name is Maylynn." Now his voice was just as tight as he arms that were wrapped around me. His anger was multiplying each time I talked, but I couldn't help the questions that were falling out of my mouth.

"Who are you? What's your name, what are you to me?"
He mumbles something under his breathe, it sounded a lot like, 'I don't know how much longer I can have her wake up to this.'

"Maybe it's my head, I don't feel good. I can't remember anything." Maybe if I play along it'll work in my favor.. Or not, but it was worth a try.

"I'm Kiser, and you are Maylynn, you were in an accident. We've been doing this for a while now. I don't really know what happened to your head sweetheart, but I'll try to fix it better." He kissed my forehead.

He kissed my forehead like you would kiss a cut or something. Then they would say there all better. But that isn't how this would work. It doesn't work that way, it can't.

There's something more to all this. Who is he?

"Hey Kiser, I'm hungry." I say with a yawn. I snuggle up against him more as if that's what I've done for a long time. He seemed pleased, whether it be because I told him I was hungry and it was amusing or because I snuggled into him.

"Okay sweetheart. Then you can go rest for a bit longer. We can go home soon, maybe the familiarity of home with help with that memory loss."

Honestly, I was at a major loss for words. Only two things came to mind. If this really was how my life is, why did I have faded memories of a different life, with different people? And how many times did we go over this? Me asking him who I was, who he was. Maybe that was probably a good question to ask. 

"Hey Kiser, why do I not know those other memories as well as memories that you say I lost with you?" I mumble as my eye lids start to close.

"I'm not really sure." Part of me thought this was a lie, but because I couldn't really remember most of the other life I apparently didn't actually have, I couldn't tell.

Next thing I knew we were back in the room I woke up in with Kiser putting me down. The next thing I see is nothing but black.

Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMPLETED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum