Chapter 21

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Hey its another one of these.

Kohen's pov.


I was really worried about her. How could I not, Audrey's father says she has really bad nightmares and doesn't want to talk about them.

They can get so bad that she lays there, screaming her lungs out, thrashing around. The possibility of her hurting herself in her sleep is high, and has happened before.

I know if I show her any pity for her nightmares I will probably be killed on the spot. Audrey would have no cares about it.

Mate or not.

That's why I wasn't going to say anything to her about them. She'll talk to me about it or anything for that matter when she's ready.

"Kinsley, you need a ride or are you riding with James again?!" I yell up the stairs. James is her mate. I don't hate the guy or anything, he's actually my third, but like any big brother if he hurts her he's dead.

"You. James said that he had stuff to do this morning or something." She yelled back.

Right. He was doing something for their anniversary. Their 3 month anniversary.

I wish it were that easy for me and Audrey. She pushes me in every way. She pushes my limit, my anger. Pisses me off to no end. It kills me when something that was said changes the look of happiness into one of sadness, or worse, one of regret.

She bites her bottom lip and her eye brows frow when she's thinking to hard about something. I always wonder what it is, how I can help change that.

In all of a months time she's turned me into a love sick puppy wrapped around her finger. No matter how many times she pisses me off. No matter how much she tries to push me away.

Maybe if she told me about the nightmares she wouldn't push me away as much. Maybe it would make things easier for us, as mates.

But she's stubborn, and being on her bad side she could drop kick me as if I didn't weigh 180lbs. I didn't want to be on her bad side, or receiving that kick. I may not have seen her fight, but I already know she's strong.

Now that I think about it, I really want to see her fight.

"Kins, we need to go. I'm leaving you in five minutes." It was already almost 7:30am. I wanted to get to school and hang out with Thorne a little while. Maybe attempt to sneak up on Audrey.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming." She repeats while running down the stairs. "You ready to go? I wanna see how Audrey's weekend went."

She didn't know. "Umm Kins, maybe don't bring up this weekend to her okay?"

She stops short and glares at me. "You did something didn't you?" There must have been something about my facial features that told her it wasn't me. "Her dad?" She takes a short pause before coming up with some conclusion that's actually similar to the truth.

"You went to an emergency meeting. And it was at her house. I'm guess she didn't know. And I'm also guess no one knew who she was." How is it she could get things so spot on? It always amazed me.

Her eyes go wide, "we need to get to school. NOW!"

"Okay, okay. Shheeshh woman I'm going." She pushes me out the door and once I'm successfully pushed close enough to my car she gets into the passenger seat and it's almost as if she's shaking with energy.

"You okay there Kins?" I ask a little worried about the way my sister was acting. This wasn't normal for her.

"No somethings wrong. Very very wrong." We lock eyes for a second, but the look of fear in her gaze made me drive so much faster.

"It's Audrey isn't it?"


"What happened?" I ask.

"This moment, nothing. But something, I don't know what, is going to happen. It bad though. We need to go faster Kohen."

There was only so much I could do, I was already going 95mph. We live a good 25 minutes away from school and even going this speed it would still take 15 minutes to get there.

"ROGUES! HELP ME!!" It was Audrey's voice that boomed in and around my head. Still 3 minutes from school I mind-link warrior Jack about what she mind-linked me.

"I heard her, she'll probably be in the woods behind the house. I'm on my way there now. She doesn't have a wolf Kohen, she has no way of protecting herself against them in wolf form." Jack replied.

I drove even faster until we were finally in the parking lot of the school. I don't even turn the car off, I just jump out and dash to the woods. As soon as I'm out of sight enough I shift and run in the direction of Audrey's house. The smell of blood was a prominent feature in the air, even though I couldn't see anything yet.

When step into a trail sort of thing I see what's happening. Jack was just coming into sight. I run at the first rogue and pull him back by his scruff just in time to see Audrey collapse onto the ground for what looks like the second time.

I see red. I tear the wolf into shreds for attacking Audrey.

When I was finished killing the rogue I shift back to human and run towards Audrey's limp body sliding onto my knees when I was almost there. (Kinda like those cool movie scenes, except he's naked and she's really super injured.)

There was so much blood on the ground it looked like more blood then what should be in her body.

He father rushed over to her as well. My wolf growls at him only taking into account that Audrey was hurt. He glares at me and picks her up running towards their house.

I would take 30 minutes before someone could even look at her wounds, or even find out if she's still going to live. I look at the blood on the ground one last time before dashing to her house.



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