Chapter 29

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"I've found you."


One month, three days finished, nothing but negatives coming my way. Rouges attacking humans, even my father is freaking out about that. Don't know what's going on about the rouges and now not even my mind is a safe place.



I was walking around in a blank void. There were shapes starting to create, but I couldn't make anything out. Noises here and there were things like pen drops, rain from a roof falling to the floor. Things you could only hear in a deafening silence.

Suddenly everything came into focus. The land around me, the trees rustled at a sudden wind, opening everything into an opening in the forest.

I knew what this was. It wasn't my dream. Well it was, but I wasn't in control.

Then, as if we were in the hall of a school building, footsteps echoed through the mass of trees. Soon enough HE appeared.

"I've found you."

Every step he takes towards me I take one step back. If I turn around he'll just be right behind me. If I take my eyes off him, he'll get me.

He's baiting me. So far, there's no wall behind me. He hasn't trapped me in. Yet.

"Why? Why me?" I needed to know why he wants to kill me. Always.

"Because, you're mine. Mate or not, you will always be mine." I didn't understand. He was crazy. I've been dealing with him for 10 years, this is the first time he's said I was his.

"I'm not yours, I don't want to be yours. I never will be." I say with malice in my voice. I've never been this

The wind blew in gusts, almost making me fall to the ground. The floor beneath my feet turned cold. I wanted to look down to see where we had transported to. The forest still before me, and the unknown to my back.

"You will be mine one day Audrey. One day soon." He said taking more and more steps towards me. My calfs hit something concrete.

I knew what it was now. The wind at such a high speed. The cold stone underneath my feet.

I was on top of a roof. And judging by the wind at my back, a tall roof.

Fighting every instinct to stay eye locked with my demons, I look down for a split second, then look right back up.

"You will be mine." He mumbled one more time before he pushed me off the roof. I fell and fell and fell, screaming the whole way down.

Right before I hit the ground my eyes flashed open.

I didn't hit the ground falling from thousands of feet off the ground. Only 3 feet from my bed. Still screaming all the way anyhow.

I pull myself up using the bed as support when my father pops in. I didn't even hear his foot steps pounding his way to my room.

"What happened?" He asked when I finally get up off the floor.

Now was the time to debate telling him that the man who haunts my dreams has found me or lie and say it's just me falling off my bed.

I decide that, even though it would probably be better to just tell him the truth, I went for the latter option.

Every where else we've been in the last at least 3 years, it took him a few months at lest to find me. Never one month. Sure there were the occasional nightmares about my traumas, but it's always been where I have been able to sleep a little here and there.

"Father, I just fell of the bed. Nothing major." I don't know if he could tell the lie but I was hoping not. He looked at me suspiciously before saying okay and walking out of my room.

I mentally sighed and looked to the clock. It was 2:30 in the morning and sleep would be nowhere near. I just decided I would get up and read a little. I grabbed a random book off my shelf and started reading.

It was 'the season'. I had read online that it was good, but I've never really gotten around to it.

Eventually the sun had started rising, and I realized how much time I really took just reading the book. Which I finished by the way.

I got up from my bed and changed into running clothes. I decided I would run around the neighborhood once or twice. Something safe, away from the woods.

When I walked down the stairs quietly, I didn't know if my father had left or not, I listened for every moment throughout the house. Nothing. Only silence.

Good I didn't have to worry too much about being caught going for a run. It was something I really needed at a time like this.

He's found me. It's only been a month and He's found me. I can't even wrap my head around that fact because it just seems impossible in a way. How are you supposed to expect someone or something you normally don't have in a month.

I put my key in my bra after locking the door then reach down to make sure my sneakers are on tight. I see the sun starting to shine over the horizon, over the buildings.

I ran around the block a few times, trying to think about nothing. Just focusing on my heart beast and breathing. Nothing more nothing less.

By the time I got home I had to start getting tasty for school, other wise I could be late. Doing all the things needed to get ready I leave my house and take my bike, rising or to school and starting my day.

One that's already started bad.

One month, 4 days, one book completely finished because of the one person I feared the most. A run that went smoothly, a day that will ultimately suck in general.


Hey guys, sorry it's late, I didn't really know what to do. That and I've been busy the last few days at work.

Anyways, hope yall like the chapter.


Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora