Chapter 20

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I just couldn't wait until Thursday and wanted to post this chapter. So here's an early chapter. And it's a longer one.

So, here's the chapter!


Three weeks six days, almost a month over and everything is falling apart.

That might be too much to say, so maybe it's a piece of yarn being tugged at. Eventually everything will come loose.


It's been one month since we've moved to this town. This was the first town that figured out I was 'Warrior' Jack's daughter. No one has even guessed it.

Sure I made friends, laughed a little, and was sorta even sad that I had to leave. But I knew and still know that it was for the best.

Here I was having second thoughts about wanting to move. I know that it was all about this mate bond. And maybe even Kohen himself. Though I would never admit that out loud, or even fully believe it. At least I don't want to.

Monday morning. No nightmares last night. I got up out of bed and got to getting ready for the day. Did my business in the bathroom, and went for my morning run.

I haven't had a great weekend and trying to hide that fact may be a little hard to handle.

I didn't really feel like taking my car, even though I know I'll get crap from Kohen about when he sees me at school and not my car. But I needed to think. It was nice and cool in the mooring air and it was perfect for me to think in, even after my morning run, I didn't want to think on my run, which I tried my best not to. I listened to the music playing in my ears from my phone, and nothing else.

I needed to think about what I was going to do about everything. The nightmares, (which I couldn't really do much about), who knew about Jack being my father, and Kohen and what he now knew about, well anything. Everything.

I wonder what Kinsley knew about this. Maybe nothing other than what I've told her. She was the first person I've told that I was half.

I grabbed a granola bar and book bag, then made my way out the back door knowing that's the way I have to head in order to get to school quick. It only takes a good 15 minutes for me to get there this way. A 5 minute car ride or a15 minute walk, and I have stuff on my mind. I'll definitely walk.


About 7 minutes into my walk I heard something in the woods. Why do I not think these thing through. Oh right, it's me. I just really hope it's the same as last time. Other than the 45 freaking minutes wasted leaning up against a tree in peace.

Wait, umm. Never mind, keep your head in the game here Audrey, this is important. The risking died down a little bit and I continued walking in the same pattern as I normally would. Or the best fake I could manage.

The air shifted one way then another. The stench that followed made me rethink everything I've ever thought about the woods. Actually no never. I'll still always love the woods.

If I make it out of here that is.

Okay let's not get carried away here, I had to think this through, think of the options and possibility at hand. Which weren't many.

One, I was still a good 7-8 minutes away from the school, give or take.
Two, there was a rouge maybe 5 feet to my left.
Three, what the fuck is wrong with me, I knew the woods wouldn't be safe. They, the council in this town, or more so the group of 12 that just occupied my house not 2 days ago, we're talking about the rogue problem they've been having. Which has been escalating.
Four, what am I going to do about this rogue, I can't change into a wolf. I may be half wolf, but I don't have a wolf.

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